im with him it doesn't sit well none of it does sids voice was shaky as all hell trump isn't speeking or anything it looks more and more like a transision is taking place and they just want the supporters to calm down ….
I meen just look
military still hasn't taken over the cia and the fbi
haspel still flinging shit to see what hits wray still arresting whisleblowers releasing terrorists and funded by soros entities I meen if Q was real we are at the precipice and right now we are looking down that deep darp whole and it don't got a fuck bottom or platforms to climb down just death …. nothing Q said has happened so far…. no twitter removal .
no the storm is upon uss
no miliitary takeover of intel
Saudi arabia has not been fixed they still fund the same corupt shit
what happened in SA cant happen here like Q said and at the same time deals be cut to have these people leave I meen does anyone seriously see the contradictions Q posted weekly ….
you cant arrest and behead everyone and then leave them go people … wake the fuck up