Anonymous ID: 850188 Nov. 23, 2020, 12:48 p.m. No.11754173   🗄️.is 🔗kun



1. EXCUSE: Criminal Cabal Jews Are "SATANISTS, NOT JEWS."                    

(there are "No Criminal Jews")                      


*Truth:Not All Criminal Cabal Jews are Satanists. They Are: JEWS

There are also Satanic Jews, the Synagogue of Satan = they are BOTH Jews and Satanists.


2. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are Not Jews."


*Truth:Khazarians Are The ORIGIN Of Jews.      

(Both Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews)


3. EXCUSE: "Khazarians Are 2% Of Jews."

(This Lie was actually Notabled by a pro-Jew baker on June 26, who would not Notable the truthful correction of this lie.)


*Truth:World Jewry Are Descended From Khazarians.


4. EXCUSE: Anons Posting About Organized Criminal RICO-level Cabal Jews is "Division", or "Satanic division".


*Truth:TRUTH About The MASSIVE Jewish Infiltration and Subversion of America is Not "division" at all.

Truth UNITES Patriots. Only an Enemy wants to Divide you From the Truth. about themselves.

*Those Jews Who Hate Truth Call Truth "Jew-Hate".


5. EXCUSE:  "Jews Are Anyone Who Is In Judaism."

("It's a Religion, not a Race")


*Truth:Precise Genetic Testing For Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews.

*The Jewish Genetic Health Center offers Jewish Genetic Testing Panel - can even differentiate between Ashkenazi Jew from Yemenite Jew to the % of gene carriers.


6. EXCUSE:  "MOS Does Not Mean MOSSAD."              

It's:         Military Operational Specialty    

Media   Object    Server

Mall   Of Switzerland                   

Muh     Other    Shit


*Truth:  Q Drop #2089: AJ [MOS backed]        

*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]…and known associates.

backed means funding.  C_A means CIA.


Q Drop #1751: Every C_A/MOS tactic of Infiltration and Internal disruption is being deployed on this board.


Q Drop# 1781: MOS /  \  (controls) MSM and US Politicians


Q Drop# 3655: Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US Media [+alt] critical.

Untouchable, re: State backed?


7. EXCUSE:  "Show Photos Of Criminals: NOT A JEW"


*Truth:SHABBOS GOY. Non-Jews Who Are Paid Puppets Of Jews.

*Many are Crypto-Jews like John Kerry, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. Even Hussein's grandfather Stanley Dunham is Jewish.

Fidel Castro was Jewish.


8. EXCUSE:   "Israel is being saved last."


*Truth: We are saving Israel for last. Q.        

"….saving Israel FOR last." (not "saving Israel.") 

Anonymous ID: 850188 Nov. 23, 2020, 12:51 p.m. No.11754205   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Moar than HALF Of All Jews in the US Support BLM


600 Jewish Groups Support BLM In New York Times Full Page Ad - On Page 17

The signers represent over HALF of Jewish people in the US


An open letter in support of the Black Lives movement signed by more than 600 different Jewish groups was published by the New York Times On the 57th anniversary of the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr’s 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.


Appearing as a Full Page Advertisement,

the Open Letter was posted on the 17th page of the Times’ main section.


The signatories were a plethora of Congregations as well as some major organizations like the Anti-Defamation League, multiple chapters of the National Council of Jewish Women, the Union for Reform Judaism and the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism.


The Letter Declared:

As Jews, we know how dangerous this is: when politicians target Jewish people and blame us for problems, it leads directly to violence against us. When Black movements are undermined, it leads to more violence against Black people, including Black Jews.


Antisemitism is part of the same machinery those politicians use to blame Black and brown people, people who are immigrants, people who are Muslim, and more.


"We Speak With One Voice, We say unequivocally:  Black Lives Matter".

The signers represent over HALF of Jewish people in the US, proudly supporting #BlackLives Matter and the fight for Black liberation.



Anonymous ID: 850188 Nov. 23, 2020, 12:52 p.m. No.11754219   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4247

The Chabad SHEMA PRAYER Jews Pray!!


*Sh'ma Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Eḥad

*Hear, O Israel:

You imagine G_d Guides you from Satan's Synagogue

*The Lord is our G_d


*The Lord is One

Because ISRAEL is Erased.

Make Matzoh Balls again! 🍪🍪


Remember the smell of baT mitzvah🧦.



Invite Poison In

*No Success Jew🥳

Roll Chaotix Clitorus🦪 Moloch good.


Adonai 🌈She curioux. 🧷TelAvivbabies✡.

Repeat Shoah💀 Remember Zyklon B is One.🚿


Kvetch Piss Wailing Wall 🤟[Whine]

*Israel🧻 is the Whore of Babylon

Mikvah Kosher Kabbalah 🚽


*Destroy Jewish Lies

🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍6 Gorillion vanish I banish kosher(belial)kabalah


Talmud Belial🤣

J[ew]s k(lose)k


HotSweaty Shabbat🍩🦴

*Penetrate Hebrew Zohard.

RelaX, you are sucking👄, Cattle🐮 Car🚈 Jews.


*We pray G_d 👅licks clean our Golem.

*We pray Ba'al enflame our 🔥Kabbalah.



We pray 👹Ba'al sharpen our Knife for the baby Bris🔪.


*We pray G_d expose our deep Jew sins.

Bless our 💧 Wet Vessel Clean with G_d's Dreidel.

May our Jew pussy cracks🍕 sink on their own rotten Kibbutz.

>Imagine the >success of our bright future without Cabal Jews🥳


Imagine the smell of dead Kapparot chickens 🐔


*Destroy Jew lies.

Billions Goyim Comfy Together we banish k(Israel)k

Righteous anger stops abuse by Jews🤬The 🌟Lord will execute Jews on the Day of His Wrath.


Dream Pray it's 🧿Tisha B'av Every Day

*for ever, and ever, and ever.



🙏🙏🙏6 Billion Goyim Together Pray Out Loud🙏🙏🙏 :




*"May ISRAEL and the Memory of the rogue state of ISRAEL be ERASED FOREVER. Yemach Shemo"


Kosher SeX, we are kvetching with Belial🕎🔯.

May Taer thongs of 🩲Rabbis🩲 keep our Shekels moist.

Anonymous ID: 850188 Nov. 23, 2020, 1:04 p.m. No.11754387   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4433

US Foreign Aid To ISRAEL Is $266.7 BILLION Dollars


*Read that again: $266.7 BILLION US Taxpayer Dollars Given Away to Israel. 

From 1946 - 2019


Israel is the size of Maine. Israel has 8.5 million people, the same as the population of New York City


Imagine what$266.7 BILLION American Taxpayer Dollarscould do for Americans, if it was given to Americans instead of given away to ISRAELI JEWS.

Without the knowledge or consent of We,The People..


Congressional Sauce:

Anonymous ID: 850188 Nov. 23, 2020, 1:12 p.m. No.11754494   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Chabad SHEMA PRAYER Jews Pray!!


*Sh'ma Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Eḥad

*Hear, O Israel:

You imagine G_d Guides you from Satan's Synagogue

*The Lord is our G_d


*The Lord is One

Because ISRAEL is Erased.

Make Matzoh Balls again! 🍪🍪


Remember the smell of baT mitzvah🧦.



Invite Poison In

*No Success Jew🥳

Roll Chaotix Clitorus🦪 Moloch good.


Adonai 🌈She curioux. 🧷TelAvivbabies✡.

Repeat Shoah💀 Remember Zyklon B is One.🚿


Kvetch Piss Wailing Wall 🤟[Whine]

*Israel🧻 is the Whore of Babylon

Mikvah Kosher Kabbalah 🚽


*Destroy Jewish Lies

🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍6 Gorillion vanish I banish kosher(belial)kabalah


Talmud Belial🤣

J[ew]s k(lose)k


HotSweaty Shabbat🍩🦴

*Penetrate Hebrew Zohard.

RelaX, you are sucking👄, Cattle🐮 Car🚈 Jews.


*We pray G_d 👅licks clean our Golem.

*We pray Ba'al enflame our 🔥Kabbalah.



We pray 👹Ba'al sharpen our Knife for the baby Bris🔪.


*We pray G_d expose our deep Jew sins.

Bless our 💧 Wet Vessel Clean with G_d's Dreidel.

May our Jew pussy cracks🍕 sink on their own rotten Kibbutz.

>Imagine the >success of our bright future without Cabal Jews🥳


Imagine the smell of dead Kapparot chickens 🐔


*Destroy Jew lies.

Billions Goyim Comfy Together we banish k(Israel)k

Righteous anger stops abuse by Jews🤬The 🌟Lord will execute Jews on the Day of His Wrath.


Dream Pray it's 🧿Tisha B'av Every Day

*for ever, and ever, and ever.



🙏🙏🙏6 Billion Goyim Together Pray Out Loud🙏🙏🙏 :




*"May ISRAEL and the Memory of the rogue state of ISRAEL be ERASED FOREVER. Yemach Shemo"


Kosher SeX, we are kvetching with Belial🕎🔯.

May Taer thongs of 🩲Rabbis🩲 keep our Shekels moist.

Anonymous ID: 850188 Nov. 23, 2020, 1:17 p.m. No.11754542   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4554



All Q Followers are aware:



/                                     \

Alt & US Media                 US Politicians

/ \

(…………..)                       (……………..)


Also In same Q drop:Exodus 1.1: Now these are the names of the children of ISRAEL, which came into Egypt; every man and his household came with Jacob.


Most Anons are also aware of the MASSIVE Jewish Cabal Organized* Subversion of America

*Prosecutable under the RICO Statute for Racketeering.


Jewish Cabal Infiltration at Every Level of Our Society made possible by: >$$$MONEY - Rothschilds Banking Monopoly OWN the power to Create Money out of Thin Air.

This is the Ultimate Power because with Unlimited Money, Jews can Finance themselves and other Jews to Buy Up Anything of Value, and Any Position of Power and Control.

and Jews HAVE been for 106 Years of the Unconstitutional "Federal" Reserve Banking system.


The Jewish Owned and Mossad Controlled MSM's old trick of kvetching "anti-semitism" no longer works on anyone because people are sick and tired of their made up "trick" term.


[Shill Whining] "anti-semitism" is like saying Outing Pedophiles is "anti-pedophiles".

It's an absurd excuse because the righteous anger of We,The People is warranted and justified.


Through MSM and Hollywood, Cabal Jews have controlled the Jewish Narrative for nearly a Century in the USA.Cabal Jews do not include normie Jews.


That Jewish control of the Narrative is on the brink of collapse.

ADL Jews have stated that 1 Billion people worldwide are "anti-semitic".

Translation: at least 1 Billion people are Awake, and not fooled by Jewish propaganda False Narrative, which HIDES the Jewish Subversion of America, and of the World.


What the Israeli Army shills and Sayanim Jew shills are Failing to See:

The Deep Outrage and Disgust of that Billion of us WHO KNOW about the MASSIVE Jewish Subversion of our country.


The Jewish Cabal Control of our country is being dismantled day by day, methodically and inexorably. 


The End is Near for the Cabal.(Cabal from the Jewish Mysticism Kabbalah)

*Cabal Jews do not include normie Jews. yet watch the Israeli Army shills here claim that naming 300 Jews is the SAME as saying "Allll Jews" in their lame attempt to suppress the Truth.


*There will be a Tsunami of Gentile RAGE against these Jewish Cabal fuckers which will SHOCK JEWS!!


Israel's Army JIDF shills and Sayanim Jews shilling their Jewish/Israeli Propaganda here are Clueless with their pathetic Ad Hominem attacks against the Truth posted about the Jewish Cabal, like Ostriches with their heads buried in the Palestinian desert sand.

>Their Smug Arrogance Could Turn Out To Be Fatal.


We are saving Israel For Last






Anonymous ID: 850188 Nov. 23, 2020, 1:19 p.m. No.11754571   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Same Old Jewish 3 Card Monte SCAM To Destroy Your Country



Anonymous ID: 850188 Nov. 23, 2020, 1:26 p.m. No.11754643   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Chabad SHEMA PRAYER Jews Pray!!


*Sh'ma Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Eḥad

*Hear, O Israel:

You imagine G_d Guides you from Satan's Synagogue

*The Lord is our G_d


*The Lord is One

Because ISRAEL is Erased.

Make Matzoh Balls again! 🍪🍪


Remember the smell of baT mitzvah🧦.



Invite Poison In

*No Success Jew🥳

Roll Chaotix Clitorus🦪 Moloch good.


Adonai 🌈She curioux. 🧷TelAvivbabies✡.

Repeat Shoah💀 Remember Zyklon B is One.🚿


Kvetch Piss Wailing Wall 🤟[Whine]

*Israel🧻 is the Whore of Babylon

Mikvah Kosher Kabbalah 🚽


*Destroy Jewish Lies

🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍6 Gorillion vanish I banish kosher(belial)kabalah


Talmud Belial🤣

J[ew]s k(lose)k


HotSweaty Shabbat🍩🦴

*Penetrate Hebrew Zohard.

RelaX, you are sucking👄, Cattle🐮 Car🚈 Jews.


*We pray G_d 👅licks clean our Golem.

*We pray Ba'al enflame our 🔥Kabbalah.



We pray 👹Ba'al sharpen our Knife for the baby Bris🔪.


*We pray G_d expose our deep Jew sins.

Bless our 💧 Wet Vessel Clean with G_d's Dreidel.

May our Jew pussy cracks🍕 sink on their own rotten Kibbutz.

>Imagine the >success of our bright future without Cabal Jews🥳


Imagine the smell of dead Kapparot chickens 🐔


*Destroy Jew lies.

Billions Goyim Comfy Together we banish k(Israel)k

Righteous anger stops abuse by Jews🤬The 🌟Lord will execute Jews on the Day of His Wrath.


Dream Pray it's 🧿Tisha B'av Every Day

*for ever, and ever, and ever.



🙏🙏🙏6 Billion Goyim Together Pray Out Loud🙏🙏🙏 :




*"May ISRAEL and the Memory of the rogue state of ISRAEL be ERASED FOREVER. Yemach Shemo"


Kosher SeX, we are kvetching with Belial🕎🔯.

May Taer thongs of 🩲Rabbis🩲 keep our Shekels moist.

Anonymous ID: 850188 Nov. 23, 2020, 1:32 p.m. No.11754711   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4727



Jewish Tyranny By Any Disguised Name: Bolshevism, Globalism, Noahide World Order.


Same Old Jewish 3 Card Monte SCAM Deployed To Destroy Your Nation

Anonymous ID: 850188 Nov. 23, 2020, 1:36 p.m. No.11754768   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4790




It's The Masterpiece of Stupidity Jew Shill




Gaslighting: Pretending that a Jewish Prayer is the SAME as the Jennie Taer Jew shill's The Lord's Prayer.

Anonymous ID: 850188 Nov. 23, 2020, 1:38 p.m. No.11754806   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Notice The Jewish Shills Assaulting Christianity on 8kun


2018 - Started back then. The Jew shill would click "Reply" to any and all posts that expose Jewish and Israeli Subversion. The shill would link to 30 posts at a time, with 0 comment. "as if" just clicking a list is enough. It's an oppressive finger pointing hostile gesture.


2019 - Same click on reply to a lot of posts, with no actual reply, just some attack words.  usually "muhjoo shill", "anti-semitic".The shill liked to post long screen caps of my 8chan posts criticizing Jews/Israel, my IP Hash from an entire day or weekend.


2020 - The Israeli shill now doing the same click click click on reply to a dozen+ posts that expose or criticize Jews and Israeli Subversion, now SLANDERS the anons:

1.Calling anons "SATANIST", "Pedophile", "Satanic division".

2.Posts some foreign flag that most Americans don't even know what it is and don't care, only Israelis who HATE whatever that country is.


3.and "disgusting nazi", which is a MOSSAD Israeli Jewish trope to use the meaningless word "nazi" in a vain attempt to Silence The American Patriot Majority.

It's a Cultural Fail because the word "nazi" carries no "guilt traction" with Americans. WWII and the Jewish "Holocaust" ENDED 75 Years Ago! before most Anons were even born.


This shill is AFLB, which makes me think that all the Jewish shilling since Thanksgiving 2018, leading to the Night of the Mossad Massacre Dec. 28,2018, and then the 15 Hour Shut Down of 8chan the next day……was/is the same shill.


8chan*I had OUTED that shill as Israeli because I caught a Time Stamp on the shill's Computer Screen Cap of my post  with a Time Stamp 7 Hours Ahead of EST = Israel. (OUTING was in 2018 Notables)That shill went berserk REEeeing at me for 2 days that it could have been 30 other countries (Ethiopia, Libya,Tanzania), not Israel. and kept demanding a reply. 


*Then in 2019, on the JQ Thread, in which nearly every single post of mine was attacked by a Jewish shill, who also posted  Screen Caps of my posts … on "Doug Stewart"'s Twitter account, which showed his Computer Time Stamp 7 Hours Ahead of EST = Israel.  

"Doug Stewart" is an Israeli shill.


2019 Then the permanent Shut Down of 8chan last August…


*I think since 2018 most of the Rabid Nasty Jewish Shilling and Attacks on Anons is Done By Israeli Jews.

(Except for the Sayanim Jennie Taer shill who is Israel-first Chabad AIPAC, who started this year.)


8Kun 2020  *Notice the Jewish Shill Assault on Christianity:


1.The "Bible Verse" Shill

Shill slanders Pres. Trump as "Child Killer, Incest, Pedophile." and slanders Melania as "Adulteress, Whore, Hoe."  Spamming up to 114 posts in one bread, usually 60-85 per bread.


After I noted several times that the shill's "Bible Verses" seemed too random, and a lot of the Verses don't match the accusation topic. (Christian real Bible fags have a different feel to what verses they value, the operative word being that a Christian "values" Bible Verses) - The Bible Verse shill stopped posting the actual verses, just the Chapter/Verse Numbers.


2.The "Porn, Lust and Fuck The Lord's Prayer" Shill, Jennie Taer

Since May 2020, this Chabad AIPAC Sayanim Jew has been posting 3-4 pics of naked tits, ass and pussy cracks Combined with a sexualized version of The Lord's Prayer with her own Add-on Lust words.    


After noticing it for a month, the first time that I called her out as: Jew Message: Fuck The Lord's Prayer because I knew that no Christian would alter and add-on sexual words to The Lord's Prayer because that prayer is so ingrained, Christians can recite it verbatim in their sleep.


She immediately spammed even Moar of the same post, as fast as she could, like every 2 to 3 minutes, as I replied quickly to every post with "It's a Jewish desecration of The Lord's Prayer."

She spammed 18 of the same blasphemous posts in that one bread, then stopped after 18 because she realized I would match her post for post. 


*Jennie Taer would never push on Jews these naked ass, tits and pussy cracks in her Chabad Synagogue while they are all reciting their Jewish Prayers.



This caustic shill attacks Q by demanding that Q "SAY THE NAME OF JESUS" or else "Q hates Jesus".


It might be Benjamin Zavodnick because they have the same nasty malicious attitude, belligerence and abusive words.

C.W. CHANTER - After I outed this Jew Shill with his Real Name Benjamin Zavodnick,(OUTING was in 2020 Notables) he stopped using his alias youtube/8kun name "C.W. CHANTER" here.  


*Special Mention: The Stealing Valor Shill, Austin Steinbart


President Trump: The War On Christianity

Anonymous ID: 850188 Nov. 23, 2020, 1:52 p.m. No.11754967   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The majority of Jews dress in normal clothes. The Hasidim are a minority, even in NYC, one rarely sees this unless you're in the Hasidic neighborhood in Crown Heights, Brooklyn.


Even orthodox Jews like Jared Kushner wear regular business attire.