Anonymous ID: c9fadb Nov. 23, 2020, 1:39 p.m. No.11754810   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4815 >>4850 >>4957 >>4966 >>5000

This is just speculation but will try to sauce as much of it as possible to at least make it educated speculation.


I feel like the name JIMMY CHAGRA popping up recently isn't by accident, and somehow plays into the Sidney Powell narrative so going down that rabbit hole, if you aren't familiar with him, the short of it is he was the biggest marijuana trafficker in the Southwest, in fact some say undisputed Kingpin in the West that ran drugs from El Paso to Vegas from the 1969-79'ish era who ended up going away because he had the judge in his case murdered ( 


It's at this point where the rabbit hole gets interesting and seems to lay out a lot of connections and fuckery to present day.


1) As mentioned above, Sidney Powell (who we all know by now is from DURHAM) was the one who prosecuted Chagra when she was working as an Assistant DA in West Texas. (

2) Chagra's attorney was none other than famed mob attorney, OSCAR GOODMAN, who not only went on to be the Mayor of Vegas (and is originally from PHILLY, that's a shock…said no one ever) from 1999-2011, but his wife Carolyn took over for him and still is serving as the Mayor as we speak. More on the relevance of that in a second. (

3) The hitman who CHAGRA hired to kill the judge, was Woody Harrleson's dad, who would then go on to claim he was contracted years before to kill JFK(

Now that seems outlandish and wasn't ever proven, but this old interview that I have embedded with Woody and Barbara Walters has always been a WTF moment to me that gains more relevance now since the interview was from a long time ago….but Woody is steadfast that his dad WORKED FOR THE CIA. On a sidenote, Woody has had one hell of a career, and careers in Hollywood don't happen by accident.  He pretty much launched right out of the gate on Cheers at age 24 and hasn't looked back since. That's quite remarkable for some poor kid from Ohio, unless of course their is in fact a lot more to the CIA and the Harrelson family marriage, which would certainly help place him in Hollywood if that is true.

Anonymous ID: c9fadb Nov. 23, 2020, 1:39 p.m. No.11754815   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4850 >>4962 >>4966 >>5000

>>11754810 Continued from above….


4) Now let's look at the cities involved….Chagra is from EL PASO…..The Goodman's resided in LAS VEGAS….Both Chagra and Harreslon spent their prison time in the federal prison in ATLANTA (with Harrleson later being moved to Colorado after trying to escape).

Connecting all these cities….they are all deep state hub cities. El Paso more than ever as of late with their FF Wal Mart shooting, and now trying to hardsell a rampant COVID outbreak, not to mention many border crossings and "Cartel connections" over the years, and for fucks sake VEGAS has always been the epicenter of the Deep State from flying the Bin Laden family out of McCarron when everyone else was grounded after 9-11 ( to the bullshit Steven Paddock story… Not really sure what this all means other than to say that as we take a sledgehammer to the Deep State, we are exposing the cities and people who have been in control of those places for a far, far long time. The Goodmans have ran Vegas for over 21 years now, and that's just from an official capacity. They have not changed their routes at all. They are flowing from the directions that they always have.

5) Has Q implied this connection? Yes Q has in drop #3581 just a little over a year ago.

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 9b601a No.7352869 

Nov 11 2019 18:23:51 (EST)"Calm Before the Storm." - POTUS

Month/Day 'Q' public campaign initiated?

Month/Day 'Durham' initiated?

What famous crime family did Durham target?

"Also spearheaded mob prosecutions of the [Gambino], Genovese and Patriarca crime families.",8599,1918738,00.html

What AB[C] agency did Durham target?

How are messages sent?

[Dec 12 2018]

"What if there's another prosecutor (outside of DC) assigned by SESSIONS w/ the same mandate/authority?" - Q

Do you believe in coincidences?


Be ready, Patriots.



6) Now here is the hard part for me in regards to Powell and even Lin Wood if you want to lump them in together, and I'm not trashing them as they very well may be good guys, just pointing out that whether it's an act or true, they take on a carnival barker persona. I am baffled at the Gen Flynn/Powell constant Retweeting and endorsing the likes of e-celebs and grifters who have taken lots of money as PAY-triots like Tracy Beanz, Ann VanderSteel, Praying Medic, etc. Why and the fuck are lawyers at the tip of the sphere mentioning those clowns?….Well that very well could be because those clowns have always been Q ran Twitter Accounts. They served their purpose in waking up masses of normies and also as a mouthpiece to mention things that Anons didn't directly pick up on. IN fact to me that is the only logical explanation….unless you want to believe that Powell and Flynn are somehow bad, which I do not.

As we wait for POTUS and Q to bring the whole fucking house down, I just wanted to point out some possible deeper connections that show how deep this shit runs. I could be way off base and out there, but the Swamp isn't just in DC and you are talking about having to take out people like the Goodman's and exposing all the CIA routes and people they have in other places, like Denver, and the Pacific NW, etc…


I do believe we are in fact in the precipice and have been now for a few weeks. We are near the end, as we have to be with the finalizing of the election.  HOLD THE LINE ANONS, I know it's fucking hard but if you have committed thus far to watching a "movie" play out, then you should use that as your strength right now that what is playing out is as Q said, that WE MUST SHOW THEM….The true spirit has emanated in this country since 1776. Don't let them take it!!! 


Happy Thanksgiving to you all and thanks for indulging me the forum here to post this. 

Anonymous ID: c9fadb Nov. 23, 2020, 1:54 p.m. No.11754983   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Good catch ANON. I forgot to post that and you are definitely correct….Woody's current wife is interesting as well, and they live in Hawaii….same place where Jack Dorsey and all his gang of celebs have been hanging out. That's another one but didn't have time to quite jump into that.