Anonymous ID: edb14f Nov. 23, 2020, 12:51 p.m. No.11754208   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4263

Anthony Fauci calls on New York to accept FDA approval of vaccine


Dr. Anthony Fauci on Monday called on New York and other states to accept a COVID-19 vaccine once it’s approved by the Food and Drug Administration.


The Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases said he “doesn’t agree” that it’s necessary for Gov. Andrew Cuomo and other state leaders to conduct their own in-house review process before distributing a vaccine.


“Hopefully I can appeal to them to say that yes, you can look at the data, everybody should be looking at the data — there’s nothing wrong with that — but trust the process because it’s a sound process,” Fauci told the Washington Post.


Fauci said although he “doesn’t fault them for wondering what’s going on,” he fears the states’ own reviews could slow the process of rolling out the vaccine to their residents.


“I hope if they do it then they do it in an expeditious manner that doesn’t delay anything,” Fauci said.


Cuomo has come under fire for saying he plans to assemble a team of experts to review the vaccine before distributing it in the Empire State — because he believes New Yorkers are going to “need someone other than this FDA and this CDC saying it’s safe.”


“We’re going to put together our own group of doctors and medical experts to review the vaccine and the efficacy and the protocol and if they say it’s safe, then I’ll go to the people of New York and I’ll say it’s safe with that credibility,” he said.

Anonymous ID: edb14f Nov. 23, 2020, 12:54 p.m. No.11754232   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4268 >>4334 >>4881

Georgia Elections Officials Extend Use of Ballot Drop Boxes For January Twin Senate Runoff


What could possibly go wrong?


Georgia elections officials on Monday voted to extend the use of ballot drop boxes for the January 5 twin Senate runoff where the Republican majority in the Senate is on the line.


The use of ballot drop boxes, which opens the door for illegal ballot harvesting, was set to expire in December, but the 5-member Georgia State Election Board voted to extend the use of drop boxes.


Georgia is already struggling with how to deal with residency concerns after Democrats have called on people to temporarily move to Georgia to vote in the Senate runoff.


GOP incumbent Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler are fighting to keep their seats.


Fox News reported:



The five-member Georgia State Election Board, chaired by Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, voted on Monday to extend the use of the 24/7 monitored drop boxes for use through the runoffs. Use of the boxes was originally set to expire in late December.


The move comes amid a surge in absentee ballot requests in the runoff elections. Officials said that as of Monday morning 762,000 requests for absentee ballots had been submitted.


A second rule adopted allows counties to continue to begin processing absentee ballots two weeks before Election Day – but now also mandates them to start processing them no later than a week and one day ahead of the election. But as per Georgia law, none of the ballots would be tabulated and counted until the polls close on Jan. 5.


The board didn’t discuss or rule on a measure dealing with residency concerns. The secretary of state’s office opted instead to send an official election bulletin to counties regarding residency information.


The deadline to register to vote for the runoff elections is Dec. 7 – and early in-person voting in the twin contests begins on Dec. 14.


President Trump was up by more than 110,000 votes in Georgia on election night when Fulton County suspended counting due to a burst pipe.


There is no evidence that a pipe actually burst at the State Farm Arena tabulation center, however according to GA GOP Chairman David Shafer, elections officials continued to count ballots in the dead of the night with no observers present.


Corrupt officials in Atlanta continued to produce/count mail-in ballots for Joe Biden without checking signatures days after the election and Biden now leads Trump by approximately 12,000 votes in Georgia.


The Democrats will use the same mail-in voter fraud tactics to steal the twin Senate runoff and the RINO Secretary of State is assisting them with the steal.

Anonymous ID: edb14f Nov. 23, 2020, 12:55 p.m. No.11754251   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4293 >>4297 >>4352 >>4388 >>4899 >>4914 >>4936

Pennsylvania Health Secretary Dr. Levine Issues One-Night Suspension of Alcohol Sales Starting Night Before Thanksgiving


Pennsylvania Health Secretary Dr. “Rachel” Levine issued a one-night suspension of alcohol sales on Wednesday, just one day before Thanksgiving.


The Democrats have brought back the prohibition in order to combat Covid, because science.


CBS Pittsburgh reported:


On Wednesday, Nov. 25, restaurants and bars are ordered to suspend alcohol sales at 5 p.m. until 8 a.m. on Thursday, Nov. 26. Gov. Wolf says the Wednesday before Thanksgiving is the “biggest day for drinking” and acknowledged bars and restaurants have been hit hard by the pandemic, but this one-night ban is needed.


“The thing that we can’t do is ignore reality and say ‘yeah you folks, for no fault of your own, have been hit hardest by this virus.’ But the virus is what’s doing this. It’s not me. It’s not the administration. It’s not the government,” said Gov. Wolf.


There’s also a stay-at-home advisory, and Dr. Levine says people shouldn’t gather with others outside their household.


“Orders already in place and those announced today will be enforced, and law enforcement and state agencies will be stepping up enforcement efforts, issuing citations and fines and possible regulatory actions for repeat offenders,” says Dr. Levine.


“It has to be our collective responsibility to protect our communities, our healthcare workers and our most vulnerable Pennsylvanians from COVID-19.”

Anonymous ID: edb14f Nov. 23, 2020, 12:56 p.m. No.11754266   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4281

The Death Star Strategy: Is Trump Contemplating The Ultimate Constitutional Trick Shot?


Below is my column in The Hill on the possibility of contesting electoral certifications by key states. With the adverse ruling in Pennsylvania, the Trump legal team is still pledging new evidence of massive fraud as certifications are completed. The options for the team seem more and more reduced to the ultimate constitutional trick shot in engineering a fight on the floor of Congress. Here is the column:


The Thursday press conference by President Trump’s legal team left many breathless as Trump counsel Rudy Giuliani alleged a global communist conspiracy to steal the 2020 election. While making passing references to credible election challenges over provisional ballots or “curing” rules, he repeatedly returned to the allegation of a purported massive conspiracy directed by Democrats to change and “inject” votes into state tallies.


It was a strange narrative that seemed to move away from the provable to the unbelievable. The question is, why?


One possibility: to raise sweeping allegations with insufficient time to resolve them in order to force an Electoral College fight. The idea would be to give license to Republican-controlled legislatures to intervene with their own sets of electors or block the submission of any set of electors. Concern over such a strategy was magnified when Trump called key Republican leaders from Michigan’s legislature to the White House on Friday.


Call it the “Death Star strategy.”


In “Star Wars,” a struggling rebellion was in full retreat on every front against an overwhelming force in the Empire. The rebels were left with just one strategy and literally one shot. Luke Skywalker had to skim the surface of the Death Star along a trench and fire a round into a small thermal exhaust port to travel down an air shaft and cause an explosion in the core reactor. Then poof! No more Death Star.


However, if this is the Trump team’s plan, it will make Luke Skywalker’s shot look like a beanbag toss.

Anonymous ID: edb14f Nov. 23, 2020, 12:58 p.m. No.11754291   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4298 >>4314 >>4319 >>4498

Biden Reportedly to Choose Janet Yellen as US Treasury Secretary


Projected president-elect Joe Biden is set to nominate former Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen as his treasury secretary, the Wall Street Journal reported on Monday, citing sources familiar with the decision.


If confirmed by the Senate, Yellen might become the first woman to hold the job. Mr Biden’s selection would position the 74-year-old labour economist to lead his administration’s efforts to drive the recovery from the destruction caused by the coronavirus pandemic.


WSJ: Biden plans to nominate former Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen for Treasury Secretary.

— Geoff Bennett (@GeoffRBennett) November 23, 2020


​Later, the US dollar index fell slightly to 92.47 after the WSJ reported that Janet Yellen was reportedly selected by Biden for the post of Treasury secretary.


Janet Yellen graduated from Brown and Yale universities and also became the first woman to serve as Fed chair after her Senate confirmation in 2014.


Before becoming Fed chair, Yellen was chief executive officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco and also the 18th chair of the Council of Economic Advisers under the Clinton administration. Currently she is an economist at the Brookings Institution.

Anonymous ID: edb14f Nov. 23, 2020, 1 p.m. No.11754307   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4324 >>4498 >>4816

House Dems Demand GSA Briefing on Ongoing Refusal to Grant Biden-Harris Team Access to Transition Resources


Washington, D.C. — Today, Oversight and Reform Committee Chairwoman Carolyn B. Maloney, Appropriations Committee Chairwoman Nita M. Lowey, Oversight and Reform Committee’s Government Operations Subcommittee Chairman Gerald E. Connolly, and Appropriations Committee’s Financial Services and General Government Subcommittee Chairman Mike Quigley sent a letter insisting that General Services Administration (GSA) Administrator Emily Murphy brief them tomorrow on her ongoing refusal to grant the Biden-Harris Transition Team access to critical services and facilities specified in the Presidential Transition Act of 1963 and millions of dollars in funding that Congress appropriated on October 1, 2020, for transition activities under the Act.


“We cannot wait yet another week to obtain basic information about your refusal to make the ascertainment determination,” the Chairs wrote. “Every additional day that is wasted is a day that the safety, health, and well-being of the American people is imperiled as the incoming Biden-Harris Administration is blocked from fully preparing for the coronavirus pandemic, our nation’s dire economic crisis, and our national security.”


Last Thursday, the Chairs sent a letter asking Murphy for a briefing by today. Earlier today, Murphy’s staff sent an email indicating that her Deputy would provide the briefing instead of her, and that her Deputy would not provide the briefing until next week. The email also indicated that GSA may have a problem with its ability to set up video-conferencing.


In response, the Chairs offered to accommodate GSA by pushing the briefing to tomorrow and proposing a host of times to conduct the briefing via a virtual platform or conference call. The Chairs asked GSA to respond by 5 p.m. today.

Anonymous ID: edb14f Nov. 23, 2020, 1:10 p.m. No.11754461   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mike Stone: Prepare to Resist Left's Meltdown


Makow- We are witnessing satanic possession in real-time. Communism is Satanism. Satanism is turning reality upside-down.


White is black and black is white. Good is evil and evil is good. Truth is false and lies are truth. Healthy is sick and sick is healthy.


Vote fraud. Casedemics. Democratic principles like free speech and honest elections are trampled in the dust. Black Lives Matter but White Lives Don't. People who pretend to be morally superior bludgeon freedom-loving patriots into accepting their diktat.


Satanism is the worship of death and destruction. War is its highest expression.


Mike Stone


Listen. Listen very carefully. Do you hear it? That moanful cry in the distance? That far off wail of anguish?


Brace yourself, because it's coming, oh yes, it's coming.


Trump is going to win the election and you are going to witness an emotional meltdown from the left. It will be the most intense, the most outlandish, the most mind-bogglingly insane display of raw emotion and street theater you've ever seen in your life. It won't be the Great Reset. It will be the Great Recount.


The evil queen bees of Black Lives Matter and their beta male followers will kick things off, faithfully following orders to riot, loot, and burn. They'll be joined by the ugly skanks and eunuchs of Antifa. Televisions will be taken, cosmetics will be confiscated, liquor will be liquidated, but not a single pair of work boots will be stolen.


Colleges across the country will be forced to set up emergency safe spaces, stocked with teddy bears, blankets, pacifiers, and hugs for their distraught students.


Professional sports will shut down due to protesting players. Schools will close. Leftist cities across the country from Los Angeles to Philadelphia will cease functioning due to union strikes and teachers taking to the street.


Democrat governors and mayors will order instant lockdowns of their states, cities, and towns to punish their citizens.


Hollywood celebrities will howl with indignity and threaten for the millionth time to leave the country.


The Twitter overload will be so massive, so gargantuan, the system will collapse.


The entire mainstream media will jump in with their usual outcry of manufactured outrage, only magnified by a million. You will see nothing - absolutely nothing - in the news cycle for days on end other than grown men and women crying, shrieking, and bawling like babies.


You'll hear calls to secede, calls to resist, calls to overthrow the government by the same people who just attempted their own overthrow of the government.


Sales of anti-depressants will skyrocket. Alcohol consumption will quadruple. Suicide hotlines will crash from the overflow of callers.


Misery loves company and you'll be pressured to join in. Dare to laugh or show a smile and you're apt to be attacked. Hang a flag on your window and it's liable to be met with a rock. Show your face anywhere in public without a hangdog look and a tear in your eye and you'll be forced to run for cover. This is one time when it might actually make sense to wear a mask.


The uproar will be loud and long. You'll hear from the fake conservatives, those not-so-hidden traitors; you'll hear from the controlled opposition pundits, those wolves in sheep clothing; you'll hear from leaders around the globe who have sold out their own people for their thirty pieces of silver.

Anonymous ID: edb14f Nov. 23, 2020, 1:14 p.m. No.11754509   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4526 >>4528

"They Could Not Have Chosen Better" - Hillary Clinton Endorses Biden's Foreign Policy Team


Update (1600ET): Hillary Clinton has spoken out to deliver a ringing endorsement to Biden's "national security" team.


The architect of Obama's interventionist foreign policy approach has spoken: expect the Biden team to undo any last-minute Trump orders to lower American troop totals in the MENA region.


    • *


Update (1310ET): Charles Gasparino, Fox Business's senior correspondent, has just reported that LA Mayor Eric Garcetti, the Democratic mayor of America's most infamously traffic-clogged metropolis, is the front-runner to serve as Biden's secretary of transportation, taking over from Elaine Chao, wife of Senate leader Mitch McConnell.


But even more interesting than Gaspo's tweet about Garcetti was his follow-up, where he reported that Yellen has leap-frogged Brainard and Roger Ferguson to become the front-runner to lead Biden's Treasury Department.


The logic makes sense: "Shes liked by banks, OK with progressives and easily confirmed. Plus we keep Lael at the Fed where she can replace Powell at some point".

Anonymous ID: edb14f Nov. 23, 2020, 1:16 p.m. No.11754536   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4584 >>4713 >>4846 >>4913

The pdf Code Monkey said to save show up in WH visitor logs. 2012-2016 – Obama Years. Interesting, Voting Industry ppl Show up in Whitehouse Logs !


Dominion PDF :