this bread has more correctly missing notables then the other one.
this bread has more correctly missing notables then the other one.
>Dr. Andreas Noack was reportedly under investigation by German authorities for being non-compliant with the COVID-19 lockdown laws enacted by the government. During a livestream broadcast of his views on the authoritarian COVID-19 rules, the German police broke down his door and arrested him. The arrest was made after the German Parliament passed the “Infection Protection Law”.
>During a livestream broadcast of his views on the authoritarian COVID-19 rules, the German police broke down his door and arrested him
wasn´t about Covid and he got released shortly after and is broadcasting again.
>The reasons for the police raid and arrest of the german doctor have not been officially revealed yet.
Weil der Mann in seinen Videos wiederholt die geltenden Corona-Maßnahmen kritisiert hatte, hatten Internetnutzer über einen Zusammenhang mit dem Einsatz spekuliert. Dieser habe aber keinen Corona-Bezug gehabt, betonte die Sprecherin. Für weitere Informationen verwies sie an die Generalstaatsanwaltschaft Berlin.
Dort sagte ein Sprecher lediglich, es gehe „wahrscheinlich“ um einen Einsatz im Zusammenhang mit Betäubungsmitteln. Weitere Informationen könne er möglicherweise im Laufe des Freitags geben.
Because the man had repeatedly criticized the applicable Corona measures in his videos, Internet users had speculated about a connection with the use. The spokeswoman emphasized that this had no corona reference. For more information, she referred to the Berlin Public Prosecutor's Office.
There a spokesman only said that it was “probably” about a use in connection with narcotics. He could possibly give more information on Friday.
the raid was not about Covid, stop making shit up.