Awesome bread baker! TY
Any memefags to meme some Make Earth Great Again (MEGA) memes? Thx in advance
Awesome bread baker! TY
Any memefags to meme some Make Earth Great Again (MEGA) memes? Thx in advance
I feel you anon, but remember the whole world is watching and disinfo is necessary too. I get frustrated too but what can I do but bitch sometimes but hang in there.
Is this pic for real? That Macron is one evil sob. POTUS will outsmart him by miles anyway.
If it is going to be used as evidence in court and I believe it will, I don't think it will be released to the public first but until after trial and decision handed down. Is there a lawfag in the house that can confirm?
Go back and read your Bible anon. Free Will offering in the OT demonstrates there is such a thing as FREE WILL!!!! That is what Eve exercised when she took and eat - the consequences and all.
Very true anon
They will eventually come around anon. My family's like that too, but they listen and don't say anything or dig for themselves and they keep watching MSM