Anonymous ID: b33ce2 Nov. 23, 2020, 5:10 p.m. No.11758358   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8501 >>8515 >>8595

Rudy Giuliani on Break with Sidney Powell: ‘We’re Pursuing Two Different Theories’


Monday, during an appearance on Fox Business Network’s “Lou Dobbs Tonight,” Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani responded to a question about his team’s decision to announce a break with Sidney Powell on Sunday.


Giuliani attributed it to his pursuit of a different theory than Powell’s approach and proceeded to lay out his effort.


“I think it’s because we’re pursuing two different theories,” he said. “Our theory of the case to get to the Supreme Court now in four places — and it’s soon going to be in two others, and there’ll be an overall lawsuit — is basically misconduct of the election by state officials in at least five or six different states in which the misconduct of the election involved depravation of constitutional rights for the president. For example, in one part of the state, you could fix a ballot, Democrat part. Other part of the state, you couldn’t fix a ballot. One part of the state, the ballots were examined. The other part of the state, they didn’t care if the ballots were examined. In Pennsylvania, there are 680,000 unexamined ballots that virtually were put in secretly by Democrats alone. That’s outrageous. That is misconduct of the election.”


“Elections are supposed to be conducted under the auspices of the laws passed by the legislature, and, in fact, they made a mockery of it in Pennsylvania,” Giuliani continued. “The only place maybe worse is Michigan, and particularly the city of Detroit. The city of Detroit probably had more voters than it had citizens. I’m exaggerating a bit, but all you have to do is look at statistical data, and you can see that the fraud was rampant and out of control. What happened this time, Lou, they had these mail ballots — which I think was always part of the plan. They always cheated somewhat with absentee ballots. But, for example, they only had 450,000 absentee ballots four years ago in Pennsylvania. This time they had 2.6 million. That’s like, you know, that’s like letting a couple of thieves free all night in Tiffany. And these expert voter fraud people, which you’ve got to say that Pittsburgh and Pennsylvania — and Philadelphia and Detroit have a great expertise in voter fraud. It isn’t the first election they’ve stolen. But this time, they had massive ballots to do it with.”


“And we have evidence,” he added. “The evidence has been presented, and the media lies that we have no evidence. They’re just too lazy to read our 100 affidavits, which are on the public record, from American citizens whose votes were stolen from them.”

Anonymous ID: b33ce2 Nov. 23, 2020, 5:11 p.m. No.11758370   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8386 >>8842

Gavin Newsom Exempts Entertainment Industry from California’s Stay-at-Home Order


As millions of Californians endure another coronavirus stay-at-home order, Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) has reportedly decided to exempt the state’s signature industry from his lockdown mandate, allowing film and TV shoots to continue. The decision not only affects celebrities but also the thousands of blue-collar crew members who light the sets, transport the scenery, and keep everyone fed.


Deadline reported that the governor’s latest order doesn’t apply to the entertainment production industry, which is on the list of essential work and is thus exempt from the rule.


Gov. Newsom’s order requires the vast majority of the state to stop all non-essential work, travel, and gatherings between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. every day through December 21. The order affects Californians in “purple-tier” counties, where coronavirus cases are rising the fastest.


Movie and TV shoots remain big business in California, employing thousands of people each year, the vast majority of whom are so-called “below-the-line” — crew members who toil long hours behind the scenes. They include camera operators, sound engineers, electricians, carpenters, truck drivers, makeup artists, and caterers.


Many shoots take place at night and require crews to work before and after the actors have shot their scenes.


The state’s production industry employs tens of thousands of crew members, according to data from the California Film Commission. It also helps keep ancillary businesses thriving, such as local restaurants, hotels, and various suppliers.


During California’s first shut-down in March, all movie and TV production came to a halt and remained dormant for several months, throwing thousands of people out of work and dealing a blow to the state’s economy. Production has gradually resumed around the state, with strict coronavirus guidelines including masks and social distancing


Among the shows currently shooting in California are American Crime Story: Impeachment, Ryan Murphy’s FX limited series about the Monica Lewinsky scandal, and CBS’ drama series SEAL Team.


The California lockdown comes as Gov. Newsom continues to deal with fallout for attending a party at the exclusive French Laundry restaurant in Napa where guests failed to wear masks or practice social distancing, in direct contradiction of the governor’s own recommendations.

Anonymous ID: b33ce2 Nov. 23, 2020, 5:38 p.m. No.11758805   🗄️.is 🔗kun

British Business Facing ‘Hammer Blow’ from Boris’s Lockdown, Warns Former Tory Leader


British businesses are facing a “hammer blow” from the government’s decision to extend lockdown restrictions, warned the former leader of the Conservative Party, Iain Duncan Smith.


On Monday, Health Secretary Matt Hancock warned that the UK would not return to normality until at least Easter, as Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced further regional lockdown restrictions that will be imposed following the end of the second national lockdown on December 2nd.


Writing in the Daily Mail, Conservative MP and former Tory leader, Iain Duncan Smith, said that, in light of the economic damage that has already been inflicted by the lockdowns, he fears that more restrictions “will force vast numbers of firms out of business and cast countless people out of work”.


“The hospitality sector is collapsing, and more and more people will fall into unemployment as business can no longer be sustained,” Smith wrote.


The former Tory leader said that the government must provide the public with a “proper cost-benefit analysis” of the impacts lockdown measures will inflict upon the British economy “before it is too late”.


“Given that the economy is in free fall, borrowing is rising like a rocket and tens of thousands of people face major delays for non-Covid health treatment, I wonder if those advising the Government have any concept of the devastating consequences of such a proposal,” he said.

Anonymous ID: b33ce2 Nov. 23, 2020, 5:40 p.m. No.11758836   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Michigan Man Charged In Disappearance Of Texas Teen


The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of Texas has charged a Michigan man with “traveling with a child across state lines in order to commit a sex crime.”


Thomas John Boukamp, 20, was charged via criminal complaint Sunday in connection with the disappearance of Mattie Worley.


Boukamp was arrested at a residence in Alden, Michigan on Sunday morning, and made his initial appearance in federal court in Grand Rapids Monday afternoon.


FBI Victim Specialists reunited the minor with her family this weekend.