Anonymous ID: f97fce Nov. 23, 2020, 5:11 p.m. No.11758371   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8536



I spend the summer on pol. Specifically on Three Gorges Dam and other related China shit. This has been discussed extensively there.

Chinese troops in Vancouver BC and Mexico, we know. This post on pol that I just put up, don't know if it's the same person that posted in 2016. Thought that would have been Q.

I keep track of BD also. Much more dire predictions there. It would be entirely in keeping with dem strategy to plan for chinese troops and UN. They're all the same, you know? Xi is most certainly NOT with POTUS.

That goes against everything we've ever researched and believed. Idiot.

An anon suggested Q was mostly for what's been happening so far, got us to this point.

Others are predicting things beyond the election. The battle has barely begun. There could be some ugly shit soon.

Anonymous ID: f97fce Nov. 23, 2020, 5:25 p.m. No.11758578   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8620


Chinese troops in Vancouver BC would come down thru the Pacific NW. That's chaz-land. WA and OR would welcome them in.

SW US would welcome in troops from Mexico.

How many people are standing up to the tyrants now? Not effectively. Not if you want to shop and not get arrested. You think 'muricans will fight off foreign or UN troops? Doubt it.

Not until the real blood begins.

Whatever. The DS is just this arrogant to try.