Anonymous ID: ed8427 Nov. 23, 2020, 7:43 p.m. No.11760689   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0762 >>0766


I just got back from Store. No mask, open carry the .40. No one said a word. If and when they do, I politely point out that they wear their protection (from muh corona fear), I wear mine (from mouthy commies).

Anonymous ID: ed8427 Nov. 23, 2020, 8:13 p.m. No.11761079   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Not in Arizona. If masks are needed, you can carry concealed, or open, without worry. It's INTENT that defines the law.



Maybe in your State.. I'm sorry..



Yeah, that sux.. Ohio is probably the same. Kinda Milke-toast, isn't it?




>puts anon in memory of a discussion amongst top LEO's after 9/11…they were all in agreement that masks must be forbidden in public…


>now here we are. makes anon wonder if the whole mask invasion is sick muslim joke. they do shit like that to humiliate their enemies.


Agreed Anon! In my area, we don't really wear masks, but don't fuck with those that feel a need. It's those who do wear them that fuck with those that don't. Fucking commie cucks! Just like this GD stolen election, they push and push and keep steamrolling, because no one stands up to them. Well, it's way past time! Many conservatives around here are speaking out now, and many more are showing passive aggressive displays. Makes them nervous, and makes them think. I'm done taking shit!