*Jesus Christ Is The Origin Source of Christianity
He Is Jesus Christ, Not "a Jew"
Christianity is Not "Judaism".
Christians are Not "Jewish".
*Jesus Christ Is The Origin Source of Christianity
He Is Jesus Christ, Not "a Jew"
Christianity is Not "Judaism".
Christians are Not "Jewish".
thanks Baker!
*Siddhārtha Gautama is Buddha. Not "a Hindu."
*Buddha was born (Shakya clan) into a time and place of Hinduism.
As the ORIGIN Source of the Buddhist religion, he is the Buddha, not a Hindu.
*Jesus is Christ. not "a Jew".
*Jesus was born via An Immaculate Conception to the Virgin Mary and Joseph.
*Jesus was born into a time and place of Judaism.
As the ORIGIN Source of Christianity, he is Christ. not "a Jew".
*Buddhism and Christianity Did Not Exist Yet At The Time That Buddha and Christ Was Born.
*Watch the Jew shills ignore the birth of Christianity "as if" Jesus Christ is not Christ. but belongs to the Jews. "as if" Jews OWN Jesus.
No one calls the Buddha "a Hindu", yet the "Messianic" Jew shill calls Jesus "a Jew" by pretending that Jesus Christ is not Christ, and ignoring the World Religion named after Jesus: Christianity.
1-17-2020 #10037 Post No. 7842342
I asked the JIDF clown for Sauce, he:
1.Posted a meme of a pile of bodies with Made Up Numbers on it. and claimed: "There you go"… as if just writing numbers is "sauce". Post No. 7842537
2.Upon my challenge: "Sauce it or GTFO", how many ovens? how many bodies in each oven?
Post No. 7842637 The Jewish Propaganda clown actually wrote:
"So YOU prove it."
The Jewish shill had 0 Sauce, and actually told me to sauce the "6,000,000" for him. This number has been claimed by the Jews for the last 75 Years.
4.Which means that not a single Jewish clown shill could provide Sauce for the 6 Million made up number.
5.Except for someone's claim of seeing some "nazi serial numbers" among the ''millions on computer file" at Yad Vashem, which is the World Holocaust Remembrance Center in Jerusalem, in Israel. Post No. 7843099
So I dugg:
Yad Vashem Was Planned in 1942
Yad Vashem was first proposed in September 1942, at a board meeting of the Jewish National Fund, by Mordecai Shenhavi, a member of Kibbutz Mishmar Ha'emek.[4]
In August 1945, the plan was discussed in greater detail at a Zionist meeting in London.
Sauce: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yad_Vashem
Since the JIDF shill Meme stated that the "high volume extermination camps were only open from 1942 -1945".This means that the Jews and Zionists
6.Another Anon Posted: I DID THE MATH…IT'S BULLSHIT
Post No. 7842721: I picked one camp off your list.
Gross Rosen.
A total of 40000 people died there, and not all were Jewish, but >let's say all were Jewish..
40,000 / 1095 = 37 Jews per day. Long ways from your 228 per day per camp number..
Sauce: https://www.yadvashem.org/odot_pdf/Microsoft%20Word%20-%206320.pdf
Same Anon, Post No.7842808:
Ebensee Concentration Camp
11,000 prisoners died.11,000 / 1095 = 10 per day.
Sauce: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ebensee_concentration_camp
7.Another Anon Post No. 7843172:
In all of German occupied Europe, there resided 2.4 million Jews before the War, according to the World Jewish Encyclopedia.
After the War, 3.8 million Jewish "Holocaust Survivors" were receiving pensions from the German Government.
Tragically, the remaining 6 million were lost.
-Edgar J. Steele
Jews Telling Us That "6 Million Jews Died" Without Any Sauce (Other Than Their Own Bogus Claims)
*Jews have claimed the "6 Million Jews Died" since that number was published in a Ukrainian newspaper in 1915.
30 Years before the end of WWII.
Have we been HoloCONNED by Jews for 75 Years?
Poland Published the Red Cross Report on the Number of Jews Dead in the Concentration Camps:
271,301 people were killed, NOT 6 million
The Polish government has also become a major player in the anti-Zionist movement following attempts by the Zionists to extort $300 Billion from that country as “compensation for the Holocaust.”
The Poles have published the Red Cross report on the Nazi concentration camps that claims 271,301 people were killed, not 6 million.
They also have argued that Poland itself was the worst victim of Nazi atrocities.
Sauce: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.klubinteligencjipolskiej.pl%2F2019%2F02%2Foficjalne-zrodla-z-miedzynarodowego-czerwonego-krzyza-dowodza-ze-holokaust-byl-zydowskim-oszustwem%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3xtHz7dl-ZWskDFDIfukpsOKncfI_gxXNR26t2i0oSMHBNMq9KxlXZbog
Sauce: https://stillnessinthestorm.com/2019/05/benjamin-fulford-may-20th-2019-battleships-and-war-planes-gather-near-indonesia-as-u-s-china-proxy-war-escalates/
Another Anon Sauce: http://www.klubinteligencjipolskiej.pl/2019/02/oficjalne-zrodla-z-miedzynarodowego-czerwonego-krzyza-dowodza-ze-holokaust-byl-zydowskim-oszustwem/
Jews "pretend" that you dumb Goyim don't know that Ivanka and Jared Kusher are NYC Billionaire Chabad Zionist LIBERAL DEMOCRATS.
and the Zionist Jew know better than to show Ivanka WITH Jared in the Oval office every time they push Ivanka "as if" you'll forget about Jared being the First Husband.
However, it won't habben because Ivanka has no personal charisma.
Even with the YUGE publicity of Daddy bringing his daughter to work for years..The Apprentice, then as a White House advisor… she still has no popularity, unlike Don Jr. who has a lot of natural charisma and is well liked by lots of Patriots.
If you Goyim don't SUBMIT To Jewish Cabal Tyranny, they call it "Division."
The Jewish Mafia Cabal's definition of "Unity" is when you dumb Goyim SUBMIT to Jewish Tyranny.
p.s. Jared Kushner's eyebrows are tweezed thinner than Ivanka's, his nose job, eye job and sometimes lip gloss - Jared is like 2 years away from being Caitlin Jenner. just wait for it.
Truth About the Jewish Organized Criminal Cabal RICO-level subversion is not "division"
'''Jew shills are using the word "division" like they use "anti-semitism".
There Is Nothing Moar Insulting To The Jew Than The Truth
Why do you ignore that China has been the Rothschild Jewish Bankers' bitch since the Jewish Marx Commie Revolution?
You're pretending that ALL Jews are in the Jewish Cabal.
typical weak Gaslight trope.
you also just defined "Unity of the people" as not being against Jewish tyranny.
just like a Jew.
Why do you ignore the Jewish Bankers who OWN every nation, except for a handful, like Libya, Iraq and Syria (without a Jew owned Central Bank) which the MOSSAD controlled US Politicians ordered our US armed forces to Bomb the shit out of them.
American Patriot blood shed to benefit the fucking Rothschild and Rockefeller clan Jew Bankers.
If Jews didn't fuck their host nations over, there would be no "Jewhate".
Don't do the Christian hatred if you don't want the Jew hatred.
Why do you?
Jews Were Kicked Out of 132 Countries 1,030 Times In History
Page 20 of 44
1486-1487 A.D. - Caltagirone, Italy - Jews Expelled after riots (C. Roth, 'The History of theJews of Italy', p. 252)
1486-1487 A.D. - Sciatta, Italy - Jews Expelled after riots
(C. Roth, 'The History of the Jews ofItaly', p. 252)
1486-1487 A.D. - Malta, Italy - Jews Expelled after riots (C. Roth, 'The History of the Jews ofItaly', p. 252)
1487 A.D. - Taormina, Italy - Jews Expelled after stoning of Jewish quarter (C. Roth, 'TheHistory of the Jews of Italy', p. 252)
1487 A.D. - Corleone, Italy - Jews Expelled after a riot (C. Roth, 'The History of the Jews ofItaly', p. 252)
1488 A.D. - Oettingem, Germany - Jews Expelled
(Bell and Burnett, 'Jews, Judaism, and TheReformation in Sixteenth Century Germany', p. 35)
1488 A.D. - Florence, Italy - Jews Expelled; immediately recalled b/c of a Jewish bribe to Lorenzo de'Medici
(C. Roth, 'The History of the Jews of Italy', p. 175)
1489 A.D. - Brandenburg, Germany - Jews Expelled (
Bell and Burnett, 'Jews, Judaism, andThe Reformation in Sixteenth Century Germany', p. 35)
1489 A.D. - Forli, Italy - Jews Expelled for Money Lending
(C. Roth, 'The History of the Jews ofItaly', p. 175)
1489 A.D. - Provence, France - Jews Expelled
(B. Booker, 'The Lie: Exposing the Satanic PlotBehind Anti-Semitism, Ch. 4)
1490 A.D. - Castroreale, Italy - Jews Expelled after pogroms (C. Roth, 'The History of the Jewsof Italy', p. 252)
1490 A.D. - Santa Lucia, Italy - Jews Expelled after pogroms (C. Roth, 'The History of the Jewsof Italy', p. 252)
1491 A.D. - Castiglione, Italy - Jews Expelled on Christmas after pogrom
(C. Roth, 'TheHistory of the Jews of Italy', p. 254)1491 A.D. - Ravenna, Italy - Jews Expelled (http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/timeline-ofjwish-history-in-italy)
'1491 A.D. - Thurgau, Switzerland - Jews Expelled
(B. Booker, 'The Lie: Exposing the SatanicPlot Behind Anti-Semitism, Ch. 4)
1491 A.D. - Provence, France - Jews Expelled (C. Roth, 'The History of the Jews of Italy', p.259)
1492 A.D. - Wurttenberg, Germany - Jews Expelled (Bell and Burnett, 'Jews, Judaism, andThe Reformation in Sixteenth Century Germany', p. 35)
1492 A.D. - Spain - Jews Expelled by King Ferdinand II of Aragon and Queen Isabella I of Castile
(Philip Broadhead/Chris Cook, 'The Routledge Companion to Early Modern Europe,1493-1763)
1492 A.D. - Colonies of Spain - Jews Expelled by King Ferdinand II of Aragon and Queen Isabella I of Castile
(Philip Broadhead/Chris Cook, 'The Routledge Companion to EarlyModern Europe, 1493-1763)
1492 A.D. - Aragon, Spain - Jews Expelled again for Ritual Murder
B. Booker, 'The Lie:Exposing the Satanic Plot Behind Anti-Semitism, Ch. 4)
1492 A.D. - Sardinia, Italy - Jews Expelled
(C. Roth, 'The History of the Jews of Italy', p. 254,268)
1492 A.D. - Ciminna, Italy - Jews Expelled/thrown into prison by lord (C. Roth, 'The History ofthe Jews of Italy', p. 259)
1492 A.D. - Cammarata, Italy - Jews Expelled (C. Roth, 'The History of the Jews of Italy', p.20
At the time of Jesus' birth, Christianity didn't exist yet.
I think he stopped being "Jewish" when the Jews crucified him on the cross.
Jesus CHRIST is the Origin of the World Religion Christianity.
Jews cling to his birth culture "as if" Jesus didn't become Jesus CHRIST, and Christians follow Jesus Christ.
Christians are not Jews.
typical Jewish "supremacy" bullshit.
Jews Were Expelled 1,030 Times Out of 132 Host Countries
Page 21 of 44
1492 A.D. - Girgenti, Italy - Jews Expelled/arrested/imprisoned (C. Roth, 'The History of theJews of Italy', p. 259)
1492 A.D. - Genoa, Italy - Jews Expelled (C. Roth, 'The History of the Jews of Italy', p. 189)
1492 A.D. - Venice, Italy - Jews Expelled due to preaching of Fra Bernardino (C. Roth, 'TheHistory of the Jews of Italy', p. 175)
1492 A.D. - Castelfranco, Italy - Jews Expelled due to preaching of Fra Bernardino (C. Roth,'The History of the Jews of Italy', p. 175)
1492 A.D. - Bassano, Italy - Jews Expelled due to preaching of Fra Bernardino (C. Roth, 'TheHistory of the Jews of Italy', p. 175)
1492 A.D. - Crema, Italy - Jews Expelled due to preaching of Fra Bernardino (C. Roth, 'TheHistory of the Jews of Italy', p. 175)
1492 A.D. - Alghero, Italy - Jews Expelled (http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/alghero)
1492 A.D. - Fano, Italy - Jews Expelled by municipal council/unsuccessful
(C. Roth, 'TheHistory of the Jews of Italy', p. 173)
1492 A.D. - Castronuovo, Italy - Jews Expelled (C. Roth, 'The History of the Jews of Italy', p.260)
1492 A.D. - Piazza, Italy - Jews Expelled (C. Roth, 'The History of the Jews of Italy', p. 260)
1492 A.D. - S. Marco, Italy - Jews Expelled (C. Roth, 'The History of the Jews of Italy', p. 260)
1492 A.D. - Castroreale, Italy - Jews Expelled (C. Roth, 'The History of the Jews of Italy', p.260)
1492 A.D. - Caltagirone, Italy - Jews Expelled (C. Roth, 'The History of the Jews of Italy', p.260)1492 A.D. - Ragusa, Italy - Jews Expelled (C. Roth, 'The History of the Jews of Italy', p. 260)
1492 A.D. - Lentini, Italy - Jews Expelled (C. Roth, 'The History of the Jews of Italy', p. 260)
1492 A.D. - Camarata, Italy - Jews Expelled (C. Roth, 'The History of the Jews of Italy', p. 260)
1492 A.D. - Sciatta, Italy - Jews Expelled (C. Roth, 'The History of the Jews of Italy', p. 260)
1492 A.D. - Syracuse, Italy - Jews Expelled (C. Roth, 'The History of the Jews of Italy', p. 260)1492 A.D. - Taranto, Italy - Jews Expelled (C. Roth, 'The History of the Jews of Italy', p. 260)1492 A.D. - Cagliari, Italy - Jews Expelled (C. Roth, 'The History of the Jews of Italy', p. 268)
1492 A.D. - Duchy of Mecklenburg, Germany - Jews Expelled (Bell and Burnett, ' Jews,Judaism, and The Reformation in Sixteenth Century Germany', p. 428)
1492 A.D. - Campo St. Pietro, Italy - Jews Expelled (C. Roth, 'The History of the Jews of Italy',p. 175)
1492 A.D. - Pietro, Italy - Jews Expelled (C. Roth, 'The History of the Jews of Italy, p. 176)
1492 A.D. - Rome, Italy - Jews to be expelled; bribed the Borgia Pope, Alexander VI to stay
(C. Roth, 'The History of the Jews of Italy', p. 179)
1492-1493 A.D. - Sicily, Italy - Jews Expelled for Ritual Murder
(C. Roth, 'The History of theJews of Italy', p. 178, 261)
1493 A.D. - Magdeburg, Germany - Jews Expelled (Bell and Burnett, ' Jews, Judaism, and TheReformation in Sixteenth Century Germany', p. 433)
1493 A.D. - Archbishop of Mecklenburg, Germany - Jews Expelled for Host Desecration
Bell and Burnett, ' Jews, Judaism, and The Reformation in Sixteenth Century Germany', p.33; Jews Expelled (Bell and Burnett, 'Jews, Judaism, and The Reformation in SixteenthCentury Germany', p. 35)
1493 A.D. - Pomerania, Germany - Jews Expelled
(Bell and Burnett, ' Jews, Judaism, and TheReformation in Sixteenth Century Germany', p. 35, 433)
1493 A.D. - Halberstadt, Germany - Jews Expelled (Bell and Burnett, 'Jews, Judaism, and The21
Reformation in Sixteenth Century Germany', p. 35)
JEWS KilledJesus Christ
but after 2,000 years, Jewish shills insist that Jesus was "a Jew".
I think Jesus stopped being "a Jew" when the Jews had him nailed to a cross to bleed to death.
Jesus Christ is the ORIGIN of the World Religion Christianity, not "Judaism".
Then why are Christians not "Jews"?
It's you Jews who are desperate. the Goyim anons are real comfy.
Panic/Project moar.
Remember there is a genetic component.
Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jewish GENETIC Testing.
One of the favorite Jewish denials is that "it's a religion, not a race." Oh, the hypocrisy!
Jews have nothing but nastiness and belligerence.
[using aggression - slander]
Q wrote this drop for you.