Anonymous ID: ceb2f4 Nov. 23, 2020, 10:43 p.m. No.11762614   🗄️.is đź”—kun


This is a really odd time to be having a “housing boom”. We are in the middle of the worst public health crisis in 100 years, endless civil unrest has been ravaging many of our largest cities, and we are experiencing the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s. But even though more than 70 million Americans have filed new claims for unemployment benefits this year, home sales are absolutely rocking. How in the world is this possible?


From Comments:


Joe Biden MUST Concede!!!!


The is ZERO evidence of a free and fair election

NOQ Report ^ | November 22, 2020 | JD Rucker


The burden of proof in a criminal case goes in one direction. The prosecution must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant is guilty. Otherwise, they are (usually) acquitted. But what the President’s team of lawyers are doing is a series of civil cases. That changes the rules from what most people see on an episode of “Law and Order.”


Let’s take a look at four key points to remember when hearing all of the “bad” news or negative comments on social media.


First and foremost, many are saying that it’s incumbent on the Trump team to prove election fraud. To some extent, this is true. But when validating vote totals and certifying results, it’s also incumbent on election boards, secretaries of state, and electors themselves to prove the votes were accurate whenever there are reasons to believe they were tainted. In 2020, there are tons of reasons to believe the votes were tainted.


By certifying election results, elected officials and bureaucrats are signing their names to the belief that nothing is awry. There are only two reasons governors, secretaries of states, legislators, or other election officials in the contested states would be willing to do this. Either they’re stupid for believing there’s nothing bad that happened and continues to happen in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, Arizona, and other states, or they’re rushing it through because they were involved. Would YOU sign your name to certify these results?


The second thing to keep in mind is that Team Trump does NOT have to demonstrate voter fraud “beyond a reasonable doubt.” Any time anyone proclaims this is necessary, tell them to stop watching “Law and Order.” Again, these are civil cases. Criminal cases require an abundance of evidence to breach…

Anonymous ID: ceb2f4 Nov. 23, 2020, 11:18 p.m. No.11762875   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2878






"Good woods burn silently, but thorns crackle loudly,

crying out all the time 'We are wood! We are wood! ' "

-Old Persian Saying.

THE Jews, like other childish people, enjoy pretending, and when

pretending brings them the tribute due to the character assumed,

they revel in it.

In this way they have obtained much credit which should not

have been given to them.

They first were tricked out in borrowed traditions and supplied

with an entirely false idea of themselves about 430 n.c,

Then commenced the Great Jewish Masque, a pretence which has

been maintained to the present day.

In recent times it has never lacked support. Indeed, Jewish pro-

paganda has been so insidious and persistent that voluntary aid, in

addition to other kinds, has always been available. At a mere

hint, troupes of highly placed carpet-baggers don ass's ears, or a

long nose, and vie with each other, and with the kosher mummers,

in endeavours to lead the rout.

The Masque, naturally, is extremely popular with the Jews. It

appeals to their vanity and panders pleasantly to their self-esteem.

Special arrangements are made for them, and each may blow his

own trumpet confident that his efforts will be supported by blasts

from the massed shofers of the management, and cheers from the


Everything possible is done to keep the Jews in the Masque,

apart from other people, submissive to the will of the international

directors, and enthusiastically working for the greater glory of the

showmen who use them,

The Jews are addicted to propaganda. From small beginnings

their propaganda, like their methods of supplying one another with

"information," have become very elaborate. They themselves have

fallen victim to it; by it they flatter themselves, and, from long and

admiring contemplation of themselves in fancy dress, they have

become so infatuated that they have made a fetich of the object

of their adoration, and are unable to understand why mankind does

not pause in its pursuits and join them in adulation.

Anonymous ID: ceb2f4 Nov. 23, 2020, 11:18 p.m. No.11762878   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2900


They like to tell, and be told, of the .. lofty idealism," of the

.. spirituality," and of the" uniqueness" of the Jews, and to pretend

that the outstanding personalities of all time, from Adam and Noah

to Columbus and many of the Spanish Inquisitors, were Jews, even

if they did not know it, to say nothing of the red rulers of latter day


They feel gratified, too, when they reflect that by this time nearly

everybody must be aware that every Jewess is .. pretty," and every

Jew "a genius," that all Jewish rabbis are .. learned" and .. great

scholars," and that Jews in general are .. clever at business," make

good spouses, and are kind to animals.

Conceits, such as these, do not call for comment, their accuracy

is demonstrated daily in the streets, in the Press, and in the law


Less venial, however, are the other boastings of the Jews, more

especially as it is upon these that they base their claims to preferen-

tial treatment and special consideration.

When it is pretended, for instance, that the Jews are an unique

and exceedingly ancient race, and that they are the originators and

sole possessors of unique and original traditions, writings, customs,

rites, laws, and religious tenets, peculiar to themselves alone, and

different from and superior to those of all other peoples, investiga-

tion is invited and, when undertaken, at once exposes the hollow-

ness and effrontery of the pretence.

What the world would be like, if two or three other sects became

obsessed with their own importance, spirituality, and uniqueness,

and demanded a part of some populated country from which to

inflict their ideas about themselves upon long suffering humanity,

and, moreover, organised themselves in order to do this effectually.

may be imagined!

The Jews are not, and have never been, a race.

If the Jews were ever a nation with a language and traditions

of their own, the place where that nation lived, in ancient times,

has yet to be discovered.

Palestine was never in the possession of the Jews; they were never

masters of the country west of the Jordan, nor of the sea coast.

Many Phoenician and other Canaanitish cities were impregnable to

Jewish strategy. The Jews occupied portions of the country only,

and even these they had to share with the Canaanites.

Anonymous ID: ceb2f4 Nov. 23, 2020, 11:21 p.m. No.11762900   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2909


From the fifteen century D.e. to the tenth Palestine was a province

of Egypt; and after the tenth century s.o, Palestine was a vassal

of Assyria, until 608 a.c,

Egyptian bowmen were stationed in Jerusalem in the reign of

Amenophis Ill, and despatches. dating from about 1430 s.c., from

the Governors of Jerusalem to their suzerain Amenophis IV, have

been found.

The rule of Ramses 11 extended for more than 100 miles beyond

Jerusalem, and Ramses III records that. about 1275 a.c., he pursued

his enemies as far as Aleppo and Carchemish. He does not mention

any such people as the Jews, who still have to explain when and

where their alleged exodus took place.

In 925 s.c. Shashanq I of Egypt marched on Palestine and sacked


In the meantime Assyria had become a great power, and by

877 B.C. Ashurnazirpal, who had made his name a terror, was hunt-

ing lions and other animals in the Lebanon. In 842 a.c, his son

Shalmaneser 11 was receiving tribute from Palestine, which was twice

overrun by his troops.

In 795 s.c. Adad-nirari III swept through Palestine and imposed

taxes and tribute upon its people.

According to the Jews' own stories, the alleged kingdom of David

broke up immediately after the death of his son Solomon (despite

the promise of their god Jehovah that it would continue for ever),

and the Jewish people split into two factions.

There were never, of course, at any time really .. twelve tribes"

of Jews; the phrase .. the twelve tribes of Israel" has the same

significance as the phrase .. the twelve labours of Hercules." The

only sub-divisions, of the Jews, which have been traced with any

degree of certainty are a group called .. the sons of the jack-ass"

(Hamor), and a .. post-exilic " clan called Bene Parosh, .. the sons of

the flea."

Nevertheless, according to the Jews' own stories there were" twelve

tribes of Israel," and, after the death of their king Solomon, these

divided into two factions; a larger known as .. Israel," which con-

sisted, it is said, of .. ten tribes" who occupied the country about

Shechem, and worshipped a golden calf at Dan and at Bethel;

and a smaller known as .. judah," which, it is said, consisted of

.. two tribes," who occupied the country about Jerusalem, where

they worshipped a brazen serpent.

Anonymous ID: ceb2f4 Nov. 23, 2020, 11:22 p.m. No.11762909   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2916


In 168 B.C. Antiochus IV tried to establish a uniform religion

throughout his domain, but the Romans were antagonistic to him

and encouraged everything that would embarrass Syria, and this

enabled the Jews to revolt in 167 B.C. With the influence of Rome

against her and pre-occupied with other troubles, Syria was unable

to deal effectually with the Jewish insurrection, which continued

with varying success until about 146 B.C.

The Jews, however, entirely lacked the ability to govern them-

selves, and jealousies, dissensions, brigandage and civil war speedily

brought Palestine to such disorder that it became necessary for the

Romans to interfere. In 63 B.C. Pompey took Jerusalem by assault

and laid the Jews under tribute to Rome.

Like the Greeks, the Romans soon discovered that the Jews were

tiresome subjects; they created a community within a community,

lived in a state of ceaseless friction with their non-Jewish neigh-

bours, and were constantly lashing themselves into a frenzy over

barbarous customs and ideas which appeared ridiculous to the prac-

tical Roman mind.

Nevertheless the Romans granted to the Jews many privileges

and immunities, all of which the Jews abused; and from 63 B.C.

until they were finally quelled by Hadrian in A.D. 135 (except dur-

ing the reign of Herod), the history of the Jews is mainly a record

of rebellions against Roman rule.

Herod, whose father had been poisoned by the Jews, was appointed

King by the Romans, and captured Jerusalem in 37 B.C. He dis-

persed the bands of robbers and brigands which infested Palestine

and inaugurated an era of comparative peace and order. Between

19 and 9 B.C. Herod built for the Jews the only admirable place

of worship they have ever possessed.

Since the Jews had no architecture of their own, Herod's temple

was built in the Greek style, but no expense or pains were spared

by Herod to ensure that its construction should be carried out with

meticulous regard for the religious susceptibilities of the fanatical

Jews and for the traditions which they pretended were theirs, even

to the placing of a great vine bearing clusters of grapes under a

golden heaven (the symbol of Dionysus) over the entrance.

It is characteristic of the Jews that, while they have never tired

of boasting of the magnificence of the structure, they would not

allow its builder to enter the more sacred parts of the building.

They have never evinced the slightest feelings of gratitude to Herod

Anonymous ID: ceb2f4 Nov. 23, 2020, 11:23 p.m. No.11762916   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2941 >>2949


The practical common sense and easy-going tolerance of the

Romans was hateful to the Jews, while, to the Romans, the Jews

seemed a race of bigoted fanatics, whose dire and credulous super-

stition rendered them the implacable enemies not only of the Roman

Government but of all mankind.

An unchanging characteristic of the Jews, too, has been their

unfailing success in earning the dislike of the peoples among whom

they have settled; sooner or later all these peoples have come to

regard the Jews with extreme disfavour. So it was with the Assyrians,

the Medes, and the Greeks, and so it was with the Romans.

By A.D. 19 the number of Jews in Rome had become very large,

and, as they insinuated themselves among all classes, especially among

the women, exploiting frailties, credulity and vice, they became

unpopular; and, when their dishonest and disreputable activities

came under the notice of the Emperor, he enlisted 4,000 Jews and

sent them to garrison Sardinia. About A.D. 39 their genius for excit-

ing dislike led, in Alexandria where they were very numerous, to


Among the privileges granted to the Jews by the Romans was

permission to meet together, a liberty frequently denied, after the

establishment of the empire, to the Romans themselves. This

immense concession was abused by the Jews, as was the latitude

allowed their teachers of religion.

The Jewish teachers of religion used the freedom allowed them

to turn the synagogues into schools of sedition. From childhood

the ignorant and fanatical Jews were trained by them to hate the

adherents of all other sects; while visions of world domination and

world-wide empire were kept constantly before them, and a well-

organised system of secret inter-communication was maintained.

At the very time that the Aryans were refining and purifying

their own religion, and preaching good will to all men, the rabbis

were inculcating amongst the Jews a more intense hatred of the

Gentiles and all their works.

Anonymous ID: ceb2f4 Nov. 23, 2020, 11:26 p.m. No.11762949   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2964


In A.D. 70

Titus burned Jerusalem and razed it.

By the first century B.C. the Masque was already well organised.

and it continued to display great activity for nearly 200 years. The

later stages of this activity showed remarkable similarities to those

of the Masque as it exists today. It differed, of course, in detail


.. for example, the Jews, of that time, constantly pretended that

their numbers were greater than they actually were, whereas they

now constantly pretend that their numbers are smaller than they

are; and they also, in those days, devoted much time to proselytiz-

ing, especially among the women of other peoples; … but the

policy was the same.

The number of Jews living in other countries was already great,

and soon increased until they by far out-numbered the population

of Palestine, and the" Jews of the Dispersion" behaved very much

as their successors do today.

The overthrow of all Gentile institutions was believed to be immi-

nent; the Messiah was confidently expected; and the assumption,

by the Jews, of the Empire of the World and of Domination over

all the non-Jewish peoples of the Earth was impatiently awaited.

From the time of Ptolemy to the third century A.D. a great many

Jews, chiefly those of Alexandria, devoted themselves to the extra-

ordinary task of forging texts, and other writings, to support and

strengthen the Great Masque and Jewish pretensions.

Detribalised Jews, such as Philo (who frequently reached heights

of which the rabbis of Palestine had never dreamed) and Josephus

(who, according to his own writings, was a very resourceful and

remarkable man), made propaganda openly and unashamed, but

others, equally sly but less pert, adopted more insidious methods;

these usually put forward their ideas under the cloak of some dis-

tinguished name.

Thus books were circulated bearing the names of mythical per-

sonages, or of people who, although they were well known, had

never written a line.

Newly compiled literary productions were put forward as writings

of the greatest antiquity; verses were forged, and philosophers had

fathered upon them writings which represented them as taking a

profound interest in the Jewish scriptures; poets were falsely repre-

sented as being deeply impressed by the Jewish religion, and oracles

were deceitfully quoted as predicting a mighty destiny for the


Forgery, indeed, became a science among the Jews … the only

one. Among the many fictitious compositions forged by the Jews

about this time was the so-called" letter of Aristeas."

Anonymous ID: ceb2f4 Nov. 23, 2020, 11:28 p.m. No.11762964   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2977 >>2980 >>3020


In Cyrene, the Jews massacred 220,000 Greek and Roman CIti-

zens; in Cyprus 240,000; and in Egypt a very great multitude.

Wherever the Jews out-numbered the rest of the population and

their uprising was successful, the Jews behaved in the most revolting

manner; many of their Gentile neighbours they sawed asunder, in

emulation of their mythical King David, and they licked up and

smeared themselves with the blood, and devoured the flesh of their

victims, and twisted the entrails of the non-Jews about their bodies.

After this exhibition of their "spirituality" the Jews were for-

bidden to set foot on the island of Cyprus, and Cyrene had to be


This outbreak was suppressed by Roman reinforcements under

Turbo, despatched by Trajan, and the Jews learned once again

that, however successful their secret machinations might be, the

frenzied onrush of Oriental fanaticism was unavailing against the

cool bravery of disciplined Roman troops.

Trajan died in A.D. 117 and was succeeded by his relative Hadrian,

and once more the Jewish agitators became active. Rebellion was

encouraged by the statement that it was unlawful to pay taxes to

a Gentile master, flattering promises were made that a conquering

Messiah would soon appear and invest the favourites of Jehovah

with the Empire of the Earth and domination over all the non-

Jewish peoples.

This propaganda produced an extraordinary ferment among the

credulous Jews, who, it is said, had their fanaticism still further

stirred up by a rabbi called Akiba. Thus, according to the Jews' own

stories, after the Jews had been thrown into another paroxysm by

fanatical frenzy by the fact that Hadrian had issued edicts against

mutilation and circumcision, and, about A.D. 130, had ordered Jeru-

salem to be rebuilt in Roman style, it was by announcing himself

as their long expected Messiah that a man called, apparently, Simon,

attracted followers.

His name does not appear in Roman records, and it is not known

whether he was a fanatic or an impostor, but he was immediately

acclaimed as the long expected Messianic King by the rabbi Akiba,

who became his armour-bearer.

Anonymous ID: ceb2f4 Nov. 23, 2020, 11:29 p.m. No.11762977   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2992


Severus, recalled from Britain by Hadrian, quelled this rebellion,

and the Jews were forbidden to set foot in Jerusalem, which became

a Roman town.

Under succeeding emperors, the Jews, taking advantage of the

facilities afforded by the caves and caverns of Palestine for leading

a lawless life, sometimes caused disturbances, but these, although

professedly patriotic, were mainly outbreaks of brigandage, and never

assumed a serious aspect.

Some people imagine that about A.D. 135 the Jews were scattered

abroad by some mysterious agency, which, since then, has prevented

their return to Palestine. This absurd superstition is encouraged by

the Masque and by the misleading phrase "the dispersion of the


Many Jews were carried off by their conquerors, of course, to

such places as Babylonia, Greece, Alexandria and Rome, but a far

larger number of Jews left Palestine of their own accord and for

their own gain.

This was so, especially, during the later stages of Persian rule,

and later, when the Greeks offered special inducements to occupiers

of new colonies; and among the very large numbers of Jews who

emigrated for their own benefit must be included all those Jews

who left Palestine because of the seemingly endless disorder and

anarchy maintained there by the few who preferred to remain.

Since the first century A.D. the "Jews of the Diaspora," that is

the Jews who prefer to live outside Palestine, have always been much

more numerous than those who have had to live in Palestine; but

the Jews outside could have "returned" to Palestine if they had

desired to do so.

The prohibition by Hadrian against their presence in Jerusalem

soon lapsed, and although it was revived by both Constantine and

Ornar, it never applied to the other parts of Palestine.

The truth is that Palestine fell a victim to Jewish lust for world

power, to religiously fostered hatred, and to selfish greed; after ruin-

ing her, the Jews abandoned Palestine.

The Masque, however, the Jews did not abandon; its activities

may be traced in many countries at many periods of history; particu-

larly noteworthy are its phases of feverish activity towards the end

of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and in the first few

decades of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries A.D.

Anonymous ID: ceb2f4 Nov. 23, 2020, 11:32 p.m. No.11762992   🗄️.is đź”—kun


The Jews possess no original documents of any kind whatsoever.

The seeker after these is patiently reminded that the originals-

including the Decalogue and the Targums of Onkelos and Johnathon

-all of which were traced by the finger of the god of the Jews,

were all destroyed when Jerusalem was sacked. It is explained,

however, that this makes no difference worth mentioning, since they

were all completely "restored" about 149 years afterwards by a

priest called Esra or Esdras, about 444 B.C.


Thus what must be regarded as the second editions of the god-given

originals should date from about 444 B.C., but even this is not so.

Misfortunes befell these also, and "changes and additions" con-

tinued to be made in them until A.D. 287, when some of the latest

editions were translated into Greek, and so assumed a fixed form.

Other versions did not become fixed until they were translated into

Latin about A.D. 401.

The successors of E

Anonymous ID: ceb2f4 Nov. 23, 2020, 11:36 p.m. No.11763020   🗄️.is đź”—kun


The oldest Jewish manuscripts belong to the tenth century A.D.,

and are neither original nor authentic. Each is the work of many

writers and has been edited and re-edited many times.

The tales and legends of the Jews are not their own; in nearly

every case the Jews have "adopted" these from their masters or

their neighbours.


Thus the first eight chapters of Genesis were made from fragments

adapted from the writings of Babylonia. The stories of the Creation,

the Garden of Eden, Lilith, Adam and Eve, the Tree of Life, the

Serpent, the Temptation, the Fall, the Cherubim, the ten Ante-

diluvian patriarchs, the Tower of Babel, Noah, the Flood, the Ark,

the Dove, the Olive branch, the Raven, Noah's sacrifice, the Rain-

bow, the Covenant, etc., were all "adopted" from the Babylonians.

All these stories had been cast into poetic form and written down

in Babylonia thousands of years before the Jews appeared.


The stories of Abram's sacrifice, Jacob's wrestling, Jacob's so-

called "ladder" (which was a Babylonian "Ziggurat "), Joseph

in the pit, Potiphar's wife, the infancy of Moses, his wonder-working

rod, the contest of the Magicians, the Plagues of Egypt, the dividing

of the waters, the pillar of fire and pillar of smoke or cloud, the

striking of the rock, the mountain of the god enveloped in mist

and emitting thunder and lightning, the tables of the law, Moses'

shining face, his horns, his leading a great multitude, his name, his

brazen serpent (a brazen cobra was discovered recently at Gezer),

etc., Aaron's breastplate, the golden calf, the sedition of Kora,

making the sun and moon stand still, the slaying of the dragon

by Jehovah (Isaiah 11, 9, and Psalms LXXIV, 13, etc.), Samson's

locks, Samson and the lion, the witch of Endor, David and Bath-

sheba, the wisdom of Solomon, the judgment of Solomon, his harem, his palaces, his temple and gorgeous court, etc., ordeal by drinking

holy water, etc., can all be shown to have been derived from the

folklore of peoples very much older than the Jews.