Anonymous ID: b0d3d6 April 24, 2018, 8:52 p.m. No.1177164   🗄️.is 🔗kun





I have a Great book called The Sexual Key to the Tarot by Theodore Laurence. In his description he says:


''The dog and the wolf symbolize lust and dark passion respectively. The CRAYFISH represents the hideous sexual tendencies of those whose propensities are lower than those of the savage beast. The water, at once orgasmic fluids, also suggests the depths of depravity some men plumb in their voracious quest for orgasm.


In a reading this card means: Unforeseen perils to sexuality; danger to sexual security, insanity may follow great mental instability; playful perversion may lead to perilous paraphilia; illusory love; a scandal or secret betrayed; inactive conscience; slander; sickness; hidden enemies; calumny; deceptive sexual partners; error in mating: darkness; terror. There can be a bright side to this card in that the moon is increasing to the right of the observer on what is called the side of mercy. In this case, the card represents life of reality apart from life of fantasy, and the path between the phallic symbols is the Entrance into the Unknown.


The animals symbolize the fears of the fantastic natural mind in the presence of that gate, particularly when there is only Reflected light to guide. The moon is reflecting the guiding light of conscience and beyond it is the unknown which it cannot illuminate because that which lies beyond is a mystery, a potential finale for those who relentlessly pursue a life of sexual perversion. The card has two forces at work. The moon illuminates the animal nature which is responsible for unnatural lusts, and the creeping thing (CRAYFISH), man's hideous sexual tendencies, strives to attain power, symbolized by crawling from the liquid abyss. If it were to succeed, the Moon-nature could commit horrible murders or perpetrate the lowest of perversions-necrophilia, but as a rule, the CRAYFISH sinks back. The face of reflected conscience directs a calm gaze upon the sexual tumult below and it may be that the wild animal nature will be calmed, while the creeping horror (CRAYFISH) shall cease striving to manifest itself.


The Moon card then may mean: Peace; sexual visions become sexual reality; calmness of libido; victory of conscience and self-control over animal passion and sexual perversity. The Moon card in a spread often serves as a warning. Fear, symbolized by the CRAYFISH, and borne of man's depravity, can be driven back to the place from which it had no right to emerge, the imagination. Love, after the capacity to love is almost destroyed by lust and fear of evil desires, may win out.''


Source: http://