Anonymous ID: 656b94 Nov. 24, 2020, 3:04 a.m. No.11764023   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4030 >>4050


HOW TO OUTWIT THE ALT-RIGHT ONLINE (4 TIPS) FashBasher !!rRZekSd2Noo ID:ggPspT93 Mon 16 Oct 2017 05:58:10 No.145481654  ViewReplyOriginalReport


TIP #1: You can't hope to change the alt-right, but you can render them completely ineffective online. It's all about distraction. Time is a finite resource, and if they're spinning their wheels over ridiculous "insider" role-play, that's less time they have to cause good people grief. Role-play isn't the only tactic available, but we've found that it offers the best effort-reward ratio: You can drop a single post and have these gullible retards bogged down for many hours, often many days. Some of our role-plays still persist in board lore from MONTHS ago. What you must understand is that these alt-right knuckle-draggers from The_Dickholster and /pol/ are the dumbest people on the planet. You can cook up the most inane role-play imaginable, no matter how implausible, and these low-IQ imbeciles with their muh-jooz pea brains will react like dancing monkeys – every single time. They are intellectually challenged. They lack all semblance of critical thought. We use this to our advantage.

Anonymous ID: 656b94 Nov. 24, 2020, 3:05 a.m. No.11764030   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4036



FashBasher !!rRZekSd2Noo ID:ggPspT93 Mon 16 Oct 2017 05:58:57 No.145481696  Report


TIP #2: Some of the loser Nazis from 8/pol/ have raided our Discord chats, private forums, and IRC channels and have shared images we've posted such as pic related (one of our MANY role-plays), but it turned out to be to our advantage, for it taught us a VERY valuable lesson: We don't need to hide our plans at all. Our group can reach out to like-minded individuals and depend on the fact that these idiots are too disorganized and forgetful to mount an effective defense against our disciplined, coordinated tactics. Experience has also shown that all the "/leftypol/ busted!" screenshots and warnings in the world aren't going to cure the consummate gullibility of these dumb fucking rednecks – besides, maybe only 1 in 200 posts will even mention us as a possible source. If you do find your role-play getting a little more skepticism than you'd like, simply slap the skeptics with CIA/ShareBlue/Jewish shilling accusations.

Anonymous ID: 656b94 Nov. 24, 2020, 3:07 a.m. No.11764036   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4041



TIP #3: There's usually no need to kill your role-play effort if you slip a little on the facts. Recently, we posted a speckled black image and claimed to be from "LVPD":


Of course, we should have written "LVMPD," as some brighter sparks on The_Dickholster realized, but like clockwork, these dumb fucking alt-right idiots spent hours sperging out on that one image, trying to find nonexistent EXIF data and steganographic clues. Notice how even if we get "larping" comments, (i) they're rarely "saged"; (ii) the bulk of the board just ignores them completely; (iii) much of the time the comments have an air of idiotic uncertainty about them, an implied "but MAY NOT be a larp." The thread is also an excellent demonstration of TIP #2: Some loser mentioned us and posted some of our private material. but he was completely ignored

Anonymous ID: 656b94 Nov. 24, 2020, 3:08 a.m. No.11764041   🗄️.is đź”—kun



FashBasher !!rRZekSd2Noo ID:ggPspT93 Mon 16 Oct 2017 05:59:48 No.145481749  Report


TIP #4: On mechanics: A highly counterintuitive thing we discovered is that the most intelligent insider role-plays don't gain any traction. They need to be really poor quality, with goofy names (think Austin Powers, Transformers, etc.) and the most ridiculous stories. If your role-play idea doesn't make you think "Meh, who's going to fall for this obvious garbage?" then you're doing it wrong, because you're not dumbing yourself down enough to the alt-right's level. What we discovered is that intelligent insider role-play creates too many "Break it down for us" posts and whatnot, and these lazy NEETs don't want to think too hard. Plus, the vast majority of them are computer illiterate, so no amount of thinking is going to help them anyway. In the same vein, you can't use subtle insinuation and hope people "detect" you as an insider, for they're too dense for that. You have to go full-bore dumb with your claims about being an insider. Another counterintuitive thing is that it actually helps to sound like a board regular rather than a complete outsider: Build yourself an -"anon" persona (using airplane-mode sameposting if necessary), and perhaps even indulge the board a little with its race-war crap. Next, don't be afraid to give dates for added credibility. You may think it risks blowing the role-play with a falsifiable statement, but (i) you can always scrap it and start another in the worst-case scenario; (ii) what you'll find is a great deal of confirmation bias and the willingness to ignore dates as long as some vague prediction you've made can be shoehorned into some future event. Speaking of dates, though, there's a trick you can use with PAST dates: Take some event already reported in the press, make some post about it a few hours later claiming it's inside information, and when these morons look back on your post a week later, they'll consider you a prophet while remaining blissfully ignorant of what you've done. Yes, they're really that fucking stupid!