Anonymous ID: a125a4 Nov. 24, 2020, 6:04 a.m. No.11765177   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5192

NeroQ is not our savior. NeroQ is DeepState and so is Trump. They do have IT all, just IT does not mean what you think.


They love to flaunt their past/future plans so what better way to turn all their crimes into another round of

Conspiracy Theories, than to lay them out in an “open forum”.


Case in point, Obama’s birth certificate. That was started by Obama to take the wind out of that sail…and it worked.

PizzaGate is another…it worked too. Same concept is being used with all their crimes.


QProofs are bullshit. Fuck you and your pen pictures NeroQ.


NeroQ has not dropped ONE SOLID RED PILL nugget that even the MSM could not ignore or whitewash. NOT ONE. Sit with that for a moment. NOT ONE! 3+ years…


200K sealed indictments you ask. Yeah, thats us ( or the first round at least ).


NeroQ is stalling till Biden is sworn in.


It had to be this way, NeroQ loves to say.


No, it did not.


May God Bless and keep you all. Jesus Wins.


Oh, for all the comfy, popcorn munching fools. Is what I just said impossible or just too much to bear that yet another scam has been run on us and we fell for it?


Fiddle on NeroQ, fiddle on.