That…. Is putting a lot of trust in the military.
It's possible, don't get me wrong. Tribunals don't require huge numbers of forces.
The problem comes by way of …. What happens when officers take their commands rogue and argue Biden is the lawfully elected President and order their commands as such?
What if the communists eternally infecting the world's HR freeze pay for those who remain loyal to President Trump and the Constitution?
Historically, the officers support political factions while the enlisted follow the paycheck.
The idea there will be some kind of sudden roundup of multiple people by the military for tribunals has always been a fantastic one.
And I certainly hope that, failing some mind of miracle, the military truly does fragment.
If it does not, partisan militias will get absolutely fucking slaughtered. Remember, in Afghanistan and Iraq, we were fighting glowniggers with our hands tied behind our back so that the politicians could keep the nation in eternal revolution until they got the leadership they wanted.
That will not happen here. Once we go open season on government assets, they go open season on us, and they specialize in dismantling hard targets and shutting down arms trade.
Again, the enlisted will always follow the paycheck. Do not expect them to honor any oath. Only a small fraction will.
I'm not saying we have no chance, but if I am going to face an opponent, I prefer to have the most favorable circumstances for myself. I am not one to consider death honorable. Life is an honor and the fact we may have to dosgrace it with war is honestly unforgivable on the part of those pulling the strings.