Remember anons…
Only the state has the right to use force and violence. If you were to do so, you would be a criminal. When the state uses force and violence, they are heroes. But, were you to do so, you would be a savage, a criminal and/or a murderer.
Therefore, be a slave and a bitch.
For if WE THE PEOPLE were to resort to similar machinations of the state, we might find ourselves called heroes, as well. And we cannot have that. It would be an abomination, if free-men were to rise up and assume their God given rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Therefore, be silent, also. Do not exert your speech, but instead shut-up. Wait patiently for the boot of the state to crush you and your children. Like a decent, law-abiding, American citizen.
If you were to fight your enemies, people might call you names and label you. And there is nothing worse that could befall you. The state which righteously breaks it's own laws might claim you to be lawless. Remember, you have no right to protect yourself. Wear your mask, distance yourself from family at the holidays, swallow your pride, and tuck your cock between your legs and branch around like a fairy, in a gay-pride parade, to celebrate our diversity and inclusion.
Because you, all of you, are good people.