Really good thread, some screenshots
Really good thread, some screenshots
>>11766019 anon opines: 3 more weeks and Trump and the people will win
No offense to well meaning anons, but we’ve learned enough to not give a definitive date, it’s all relative in Q time. People should embrace patience if they do not have it, or at least faith and trust. If you have faith in God you cannot demand things on your own time table.
BTW I was told by a Christian Minister, “don’t ever pray for patience, because God will test you on it!” It made sense then and it makes sense now, embrace and be patience, divert your attention to calming things.
We will all succeed and our POTUS will be the victor, because God chose him for his gift of patience and strategy along with other excellent gifts. His sense of humor is fucking hilarious
>>11765493 (You) would taking that money “knowingly” from the government make things a whole lot worse for all of them?
I want you all to know, I did not come up or post this theory after seeing this post, I thought of it this am when I was not the least bit flustered by the “news” last night. But it makes me believe even more strongly, it’s a trap like another posted here. I think the Hive Mind has been activated!
Is this how America goes?.
Randy Quaid did a fantastic video to wake America up.