The mischievous make a mockery of our beloved Constitution… This is why you carry a rifle.
Most of you wouldn't be here today, if your freedom of speech were not infringed on other platforms… Will you accept this?
Or will you fight, like men?… Men, worth of freedom and liberty.
Do my words offend you?
Or is it my call for my countrymen to rise and break free of the chains of tyranny that you despise?
(That means, "Fuck off, and eat sh*t", pussy.)
Filter me, faggot.
This phrase adorns the top of every thread… And yet, how many of you ponder it's true meaning?
How many of you care to fight for what it espouses?
Join me… Fight!
Translation: "We had to let them violate your rights, so we could tell you about it, and laugh in our synagogues about how sheepish you are, while you do nothing about it and rely on us, as we do nothing about it."
You can't stand against tyranny while promoting and profiting from it.
Share a few quotes from Patriots… And look how the "titty-shills" flood the boards.
Think… Why is that?
Tyrants would rather you jerked-off than took up arms in defense of your liberties.
Q, will be back soon, to pacify us, now. You'll see.
They don't even need to take your guns away anymore… Instead, they just make you afraid to actually use them for their intended purpose.
Working like a charm, huh?
First, arm yourself with the truth… Then, with good counsel.. Then, with a rifle.
I would add… Though it is not enough to merely speak, especially when your pleas remain unheard and/or scoffed at. It is at this point, a man must act… using whatever tools of force are afforded to him to put off the oppressor.
Our founders did not write these words for their own entertainment, nor for selfish pontification.
They meant it… With all sincerity and concern for the well-being of their countrymen.
Men must learn to see the similarities between what is called the "expert-phenomena", and what I would term, the "judge-phenomena".
WE THE PEOPLE, hold ultimate authority and power in this nation. We have simply forgotten how to wield it… It begins with a rifle, and a shout in anger!
Value and speak your opinions, anons… For your thoughts are your property. And your censorship, is a theft!
Were we not warned?
The enemy is not AT our gates, he is INSIDE our gates… One is even named "Gates".
If your body were ill, you would seek medicine to eradicate what ails you.
Tyranny ails this nation… Bullets are medicine.
Amen to these words… The truth stands on it's own.
In fact, I remember loving this group from the beginning, because we cared not for fame, fortune, or recognition, but only the truth.
And if an anon could not share a truth, which could stand on it's own, we ran that fucker off.
"Honesty is the first chapter of the book of wisdom." - TJ
Lies have no place here, or in our nation. They are the fruits of the wicked!