What Fuckery is this Anon?
whatever fuck it the awareness is known imaa shit on the other breads now since this one is the legit one he he heeโฆ
Shills are back to usual shit all over their own bread from multiple ips and race this bread to another split. Fuck them.
The way Gerbil Bakes. Too much too soon shall we say?
They may be right but even if they are they are beyond most of the general pop.
The thing about speedos and some people in general is that they dont seem to understand that they cant help everyone some are meant for others to.
Or something.
And there's the bread split with the comms people trying to play along as oss now or somethingโฆ
Report the other bread anons. It is shill bake.
They posted acting as OSS but O?SS doesnt bake like that. period.
And secondly.
They posted oss picture then immediately posted shitting on oss picture.
Makes no sense.
Report the other shill bread and join the official bake when it comes up kids.