Good thing the government is so inept it can’t find its ass with both hands
Moar rich inbred BS…..loaning cash to Theater chain???…..WTF they gonna show???Hollywood is toast
Bank makes a bad loan…..Regal defaults….bank writes off loss, gets repaid from Fed…..bad loan gets tacked on to National debt…..
Rich inbreds don’t “make” money…..they fleece the taxpayers
Boomer creamed their jeans today
Dow 30000
Whew now they can buy a new commie…..pickup truck while their grandchildren get a forced vaccine
What an embarrassment of a generation
Exactly why city folks need to stay the fuck outta the woods
The Great Reset….aka……how to fuck the bourgeois rich…..”new” money about to get lesson of lifetime, who made who?
Home of the Rephilim
Please……welfare fraud waaaaay bigger in Cali