Anonymous ID: 2207c2 Nov. 24, 2020, 10:29 p.m. No.11776631   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Che Guevara masterminded the killing of JFK, planned it in Cuba, had C_A help. I've posted about this before on the board. C_A got lucky that JFK wanted them gone. It was mostly a coincidence. Che planned to kill whichever candidate won POTUS in the 1960 election, Nixon OR Kennedy. If Nixon had won (which he very nearly did), they would have killed Nixon. Guevara wanted to prove that he could get to anyone. He was right. More details can be found in the books of Dr. Julio Antonio del Marmol, who was privy to the plans and met 2 of Lee Harvey Oswald's doubles.

Anonymous ID: 2207c2 Nov. 24, 2020, 10:32 p.m. No.11776650   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6731


Akshually, anon's theory is that they picked him because he's the MOST comped. At any rate, Obummer picked him. He's pulling all the strings. Barry is the current chalice (for lack of a better term) of the spirit of Lucifer, groomed for such, and having undergone the ceremony for it. Dude is evil.