Anonymous ID: 61b528 Nov. 24, 2020, 11:33 p.m. No.11777072   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7085 >>7125


It's not as cut and dry as that.

For example…. Who do we shoot?

We think we will all be on the same side, and for the first 24 hours, that may be the case - but when one squad breaks off to execute someone like Hannity or Limbaugh, who is going to rally to support their believed conservative icon?


Other considerations come into play even before we get to the shooting. Who is going to be leaving their home and job to fight the good fight? I am a single man who will leave behind a cat and a dog - I would hate myself, but if need be I can make sure they won't starve to death or be left to chance when I walk away from everything. I can abandon my possessions and not really give much thought to what will happen once the house is foreclosed on.


But can you say the same of yourself?

What of our neighbors?

Even if they are of very similar ideology and even have the proverbial guns - they are homebound. If they walk from their jobs, the bank possesses their house and property. Their family goes hungry. They can't take the fight to the enemy.


And what of the local enemy? If I were to go execute the director of the local health department over lockdowns and/or the county reps who voted for it - or get a small team to… What of the local police? While they are not enforcing lockdown and mask nonsense - are they supposed to just pretend we didn't just murder someone?

What about state and federal authorities? National guard or military?


Yes… If we are all on exactly the same page as to who needs to be shot and when - we are unbreakable.

However, if half of us have given up on the rule of law and the other half are still trying to uphold it - then the whole ordeal implodes.


There are other considerations regarding the movement of people, security of property, etc. If banks decide to shut off funds, businesses decide to terminate people for wrong-think, etc.

You can go to your work and shoot it up in a fit of rage, but it doesn't pay the bills. Someone has to produce, someone has to transport. Everyone needs to get paid or otherwise afforded the opportunity to get what they need out of the deal. The left has an iron grip on financial institutions. They are the banks in their totality.

That will haunt us during a war. We will require an alternate economy and one that holds purchase in a hell of a hurry. Or else we will need to do a lot of favors on honor alone (no doubt we will have to).

Anonymous ID: 61b528 Nov. 24, 2020, 11:42 p.m. No.11777112   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7130 >>7134


That assumes the military will be >70% aligned with us. And I have some doubts on that. We may have around 30% who will join us. 40-60% who abstain, and between 10-30% who either align globalist or follow the paycheck.


Of course, this will not be equal across all branches and MOSes, but… Call me a little black-pilled on the military from my own experiences in it.