Anonymous ID: 9822bd Nov. 24, 2020, 11:56 p.m. No.11777200   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7204

COVID-19 is real, and it's a cover up for something far worse


My own pet theory.


Remember all those videos from Dec-Jan of people in Wuhan collapsing in the streets, having seizures, army personnel, pop up hospitals, mass cremations, etc?


Well my theory is that the Bioweapons lab in Wuhan DID release some real end of the world bad shit by accident. Way worse than Covid. The insane lockdown was to stop that, and it worked.


To 'save face' and maintain internal stability, they released Covid, a dangerous but far less deadly virus than what happened in Wuhan as a cover. They released it in other countries.


WHO knows what happened, that's why they aren't investigating, and why various governments are very pissed off at them.


Perhaps some countries know the truth but won't say anything because they fear the public pressure would result in them having to answer uncomfortable questions about their own bioweapons research and stock.