Anonymous ID: b7f012 Nov. 25, 2020, 3:26 a.m. No.11778415   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8419

While I have never lost faith in Q, the Plan, or my fellow anons, I have been very discouraged with my fellow citizens. Everyday seeing people wearing masks outside walking the dog alone or driving alone wearing a mask. Talking about Biden being a good guy, etc. I've been going to NA meetings on zoom because all our regular places (mostly churches) are shutdown. It's ok and got to meet people from all over the country and world too, but it's not the same. People are struggling with life and shutdown shit on top of the usual addiction shit and everybody misses the in-person meeting where you can get and give hugs and take people aside and give advice and help with personal stuff and get advice and help too. So anyway, some folks decided to hold a weekly meeting in their garage with masks optional. Thank God. It was so great to be able see each other and have hugs and fist bumps again. Everybody jokin' around and laughing. I really needed that. Some folks from up north drove an hour and a half to be with us. Pt 1

Anonymous ID: b7f012 Nov. 25, 2020, 3:27 a.m. No.11778419   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8420



Pt2 It was a clean date birthday meeting with people that 30 days all the way to a guy with 32 years. The couple with the garage had 8 years. He had been in prison 4 times but has his own business, a big house, cars of course. Started out with nothing but $40. He and I go the jail meetings that are on live stream now. I'll have 6yr's in a month. I started out in drug court after getting popped for 45 felonies. Whiskey and pain pills will do that to you. Fortunately, I was able to talk them down to 42, otherwise I would of been in real trouble. I've been on dope and booze since I was 13, not to mention the mental health issues (IED) and psych meds. I looked at drug court as a gift that I would only get once in life and actually gave sobriety a chance. By the time I finished drug court I was clean for 2 years without a single dirty UA, free from psych meds and my therapist told me I didn't need therapy any more. Said I was in the normal range (for the first time in my life. Yup, the wide open normal range. Mighty lonesome on the normal range sometimes but it beats being deranged behind bars. (no jones like a jailhouse jones)

Anonymous ID: b7f012 Nov. 25, 2020, 3:28 a.m. No.11778420   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8442 >>8771



Pt3 So we had a great meeting where the topic was getting a Higher Power. It was pointed out that we are all miracles and that with Faith, all hurdles can be overcome. My spiritual batteries were recharged and I'm getting back the serenity and peace of mind I had when I got discharged from drug court with all my charges dropped. I'm grateful for the life I have now and still alive and clean to be a part of the Great Awakening and see our Republic restored. So grateful to be able to here with all you Qfags even though I'm just a nobody playing a very small part. Back in the day I couldn't have played even a tiny. I'm not a religious person butt I can feel a Power I've never felt before guiding us to a Great Destiny. We are now part of the Host that serves the Lord of Hosts and we can never be defeated for even in death we are victorious. What a time to be alive. Future generations will look back at us with awe and envy. Awe that we were able to overcome so many trials and tribulations to achieve final victory. Envy that we were the ones chosen to carry out this Most Great Mission. WWG1WGA