Anonymous ID: 883752 Nov. 25, 2020, 6:16 a.m. No.11779498   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The slobs and other scum (most employees) of the DOJ, FBI, DHS aren't doing a damned thing about crime (my AZ sources say local Boarder and Customs officials are doing their jobs).

These dirtbags are sucking up to Biden. Rather than dumping the criminal cases at Biden's feet, they're ignoring crimes to save and promote their worthless asses.

The FBI jumped at the Texas driver escorting Kameltoe out of Austin area, but have done nothing for the GSA supervisor who's been threatened (feloniously). They've not investigated the threats against the MI canvassers ( felony Fed election violations) nor investigated bribes of GA officials.

The FBI sat on Hunters laptop since Dec 2019. They KNEW the fix was in a year ago. THEY KNEW THE CHEAT WAS COMMING.

There are ZERO fed law enforcement resources available to POTUS, except field Boarder Patrol and Customs.

The only way is military. Look to space force. They are intel guys, sattelites, cons etc.

Anonymous ID: 883752 Nov. 25, 2020, 6:43 a.m. No.11779832   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>CA prisoner unemployment insurance (UI) fraud.

Too complex. Top state officials just need to turn a blind eye. CA went red sans Dominion fraud because of Hispanics. CA Dems feel "betrayed".

Max UI benefits w/o extension is ~$15k.

Gang members (MS 13 etc) give ok for benifits to go to gang leaders. Just 100 prisoners could deliver $1.5MM to the gang. With benefit card and password, that money can be transferred to another bank, or completely cashed out.Thats a lot of cash at the street level.

This causes chaos and pain in the Hispanic community. CA Dem mob bosses would be happy with that.