>Friend, blah blah blah recount blah blah
>You see, Friend, if the radical left blah blah blah, Friend
>Okay, Friend, we need you to chip in, Friend, so we can take Washington from the radical leftโฆ
>Friend, just pitch in this much and we'll match it, Friend
fuck off you shekel begging niggers, not your goddamn friend and the fact you keep sucking big oil's dick because you want to keep all the cool free energy classified so black ops faggots can run around playing with cool gadgets while you install puppet leaders throughout the world while the working class are doing what they can just to stay afloat means you're just another piece of shit.
homes still sit empty by the hundreds of thousands, if not millions, and they'll let the mother fuckers rot before housing the homeless in them or renters so they can manage to save that little bit of income as well.
let's not even get started on all the food that gets thrown away each year because "logistics" aka not having enough of your tax deductible foundations propped up around the country to siphon off taxpayer money with false promises of 'soup kitchens' that are moar run down than a jungle fucking nigger bunny prison.
this world can fuck itself.