Was just thinking the same thing? Wasn’t ready for the length of this.
If any [bright] normie hears this… it will be clear.
Visual anons glued to screen waiting to capture the “best meme verbiage ever” as it is SURE to be in this live stream.
Ie: Hold Please!
Oh- and this woman! Some may be actors?
Anon asks forgiveness for negative comment about the older lady. After repenting God showed me her light! It is BRIgHT af anons! Much harder for her to get the words out to her people. Good for her! Let truth resound!
It totally was!!!!!!!
Trump is listening in! He must have got my tweeter!!!!!
Cue Q???? That would just to too perfect!
“Sit down and shut up, everyone else is…”
Sounds like The instructions were made in China!