>>11785102 lb
that's not substantial
merely a few millions votes
biden got over 80 GORILLIAN going up to 81 soon, (iunternal reports ses they believe they can sell up to 666 GORILLIAN)
>>11785102 lb
that's not substantial
merely a few millions votes
biden got over 80 GORILLIAN going up to 81 soon, (iunternal reports ses they believe they can sell up to 666 GORILLIAN)
and they know which one had the secret invisible ink – bwhahahahahaha
Remind me again who the governor is??
Who's the senator demonrat baby killer satan worshiper - elite puppet master??
DOBBS –True Patriot
running the White Hat testimony
"of White Hat Hackers"
doit DOBBS
CUCK them and kuk news
some idiot looking demonrat took over the segment on Dobbs and begins spouting shit to descredit the hearing in PA
thar treasounous scum cuckers pop up everywhar