Anonymous ID: 19fbcf Nov. 25, 2020, 3:11 p.m. No.11786872   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6983 >>7233 >>7315 >>7454 >>7490 >>7507

‘Average’ effectiveness & unexplained side effects: 7 QUESTIONS that AstraZeneca needs to answer about its Covid-19 vaccine


The drug manufacturer AstraZeneca said on Monday it would seek emergency authorization for its coronavirus vaccine with various regulators. However, it might first have to answer a number of serious questions about its jab.


The British-Swedish company, which has developed its candidate vaccine together with the University of Oxford, “will begin the submission of the clinical data to regulators around the world that have a framework in place for emergency use or conditional approval,” its spokesman said on Monday, adding that the list of the regulators that will receive the application particularly includes the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).


The statement came as the drug manufacturer published interim results of the vaccine’s clinical trials, which it said “showed the vaccine was highly effective in preventing COVID-19” and declaring its overall effectiveness to amount to 70 percent - much lower than 90-percent efficacy that other leading vaccine candidates showed.


Yet, some information published by the company appeared to be quite puzzling, while some data seemed to be lacking.


AstraZeneca might eventually find itself in need of answering key questions about its would-be jab as it rushed to get regulators’ approval for it.

1.Half dose or full dose?


The company’s assessment of its vaccine effectiveness in fact comes as an estimated average for two slightly different tests. AstraZeneca admitted in its Monday release that a group of volunteers initially got a half-dose jab, followed by afull one a month later. Another, larger, group got two full doses.


The first regimen showed 90-percent efficacy, although such results were based on analysis of slightly more than 2,700 volunteers. The second one, which involved almost 8,900 people, showed only a 62-percent efficacy.

Anonymous ID: 19fbcf Nov. 25, 2020, 3:11 p.m. No.11786885   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6909 >>6983 >>7233 >>7315 >>7454 >>7490 >>7507 >>7521

Biden says Americans WON’T STAND for election results not being ‘honored,’ while Trump says it ‘must be turned around’


In an address calling for unity in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic, Joe Biden took a moment to push back against President Donald Trump’s claims of voter fraud, calling the process “full and fair and free.”


While Biden mostly spent his Wednesday address focused on the pandemic, the Thanksgiving holiday, and calls for Americans uniting, he took a moment to address the presidential election and dismissed claims that voter fraud took place.


“Our democracy was tested this year,” he said. “And what we learned is this: the people of this nation are up to the task. In America, we have full and fair and free elections, and then we honor the results.”


“The people of this nation and the laws of the land won’t stand for anything else,” he added.


Biden called for “Republicans, Democrats, and Independents” to “come together and work together.”


“And that, my friends, is what I’m determined to do,” he said.


President-elect Biden: If you want to know what beats deep in the heart of America, it's this: Democracy. … In America we have full and fair and free elections, and then we honor the results."

— The American Independent (@AmerIndependent) November 25, 2020


While Biden gave his address, President Trump phoned into a public hearing in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, where lawyer Rudy Giuliani was alleging voter fraud in the state.


Trump called for the election to be overturned as it was “fraudulent” and he “won it by a lot.”


“This election has to be turned around,” he said.


“They are bad people,” he said of Democrats. “They are horrible people, and they are people who don’t love our country.”


BREAKING: President @realDonaldTrump calls into the Pennsylvania State Legislature Hearing on Election Irregularities.

— Benny (@bennyjohnson) November 25, 2020


The president repeated claims that thousands of illegal ballots in favor of Biden were dumped on election night, and Republican poll watchers were intimidated and not allowed to fairly watch the counting process.

Anonymous ID: 19fbcf Nov. 25, 2020, 3:13 p.m. No.11786921   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6983 >>7119 >>7233 >>7315 >>7454 >>7490 >>7507

NEW LAWSUIT Filed in State of Georgia By Trump Legal Team! — Separate from Sidney Powell — AFFECTS THOUSANDS OF ILLEGAL VOTES


Trump Attorney Phillip Kline announced a new Georgia lawsuit on Wednesday afternoon!


The Armistad Project filed lawsuit contesting GA results, citing expert opinion “that well over 100,000 illegal votes were improperly counted, while tens of thousands of legal votes were not counted.”

Anonymous ID: 19fbcf Nov. 25, 2020, 3:25 p.m. No.11787099   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7233 >>7315 >>7454 >>7490 >>7507

‘The Fraud Has Been Institutionalized’: Inside The Partisan GOTV Efforts In Indian Country


Illegal electioneering and ballot harvesting by supposedly nonpartisan groups reached new heights in this election.


Last week, I reported on a coordinated and completely illegal votes-for-cash scheme in tribal areas of Nevada, spearheaded by a group called the Nevada Native Vote Project, which is part of a larger effort called Native Vote funded by the National Congress of American Indians, or NCAI.


Under the guise of a get-out-the-vote campaign, these nonprofit groups were bribing tribal members to vote, offering them gift cards, electronics, and other “prizes” in exchange for proof that they voted. They documented these efforts through their own social media channels, either unaware or unconcerned that what they were doing directly violates federal election laws.


But it turns out the Nevada Native Vote Project is just one of many supposedly nonpartisan organizations engaged in vote-bribing and illegal electioneering, all under the thin guise of GOTV campaigns. Similar efforts in as many as a half-dozen other states, including every major battleground state, were undertaken by groups that worked hand in hand with the Biden campaign to deliver votes for Democrats.

These GOTV Campaigns Are Openly Partisan


One of these groups is called Radicalize the Vote, a “GOTV campaign, led by indigenous womxn, that is building a unique, centralized indigenous registration list to get out the vote in record number during the COVID-10.” The campaign is a partnership between NCAI-funded Native Vote and an organization called Seeding Sovereignty, which describes itself as “an Indigenous-led collective,” that “works to radicalize and disrupt colonized spaces through land, body, and food sovereignty work, community building, and cultural preservation.” Seeding Sovereignty and Radicalize the Vote appear to share staff.


Although claiming to be a nonpartisan group, Radicalize the Vote was remarkably open about its opposition to President Trump, posting a photo on its official Instagram page that read: “Every Trump sign is a desperate plea for toxic white supremacy to be seen and validated. It should remind you how fragile and threatened colonizers feel knowing their beliefs are dying an unremarkable and pitiful death.”



Anonymous ID: 19fbcf Nov. 25, 2020, 3:27 p.m. No.11787135   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7233 >>7315 >>7454 >>7490 >>7507

Forcing The Sick And Elderly To Die Alone Is Crueler Than COVID-19


Keeping people from their suffering loved ones does not safeguard them. It merely subjects them to a different kind of suffering — one for which there might be no recovery.


One year ago today, my father died following a 10-year battle with cancer. Our family’s final weeks with him likely mirrored those of many other families. With a new wave of COVID-19 lockdowns beginning, however, I feel compelled to share our story because that journey convinces me that we, as a nation, are subjecting the dying to physical and psychological torture in the name of fighting a pandemic.

Caring for Family


I’m not sure when my father was first diagnosed with cancer because he didn’t tell anyone. He didn’t need to at the time because his cancer, called myelofibrosis, is a slow-progressing kind that can go without symptoms for years. Likely caused by his 30-some years spent in a garage teaching young adults auto mechanics at a technical college, this rare blood cancer finally advanced enough about five years ago to force my parents to move to a senior facility a mile from my older brother’s home.


Until about three months before my father’s death, my parents lived there self-sufficiently. My father kept his cancer at bay with oral chemotherapy while he cared full time for my mother, who has dementia. After my father received a second diagnosis of advanced prostate cancer, however, my brother convinced them to move in with his family. Even then, my father maintained he was going to survive my mom by one day so he could care for her.


About this time, I began traveling back and forth every weekend to spend time with my parents, to help with the move, and to give my brother a respite. My parents were barely settled with my brother’s family when my dad couldn’t eat without agonizing pain. He was hospitalized with a severe thrush infection of the esophagus, the oral chemotherapy ceased, and he began needing more frequent blood transfusions.


For two weeks, it seemed possible he might recover. If he could overcome the thrush infection, he could begin his chemotherapy again. During those weeks, my brother and I cared for my father in the hospital, spoon-feeding him the soft hospital foods, holding his glass to his mouth, placing the straw between his dried lips, helping him to the bathroom when he could walk or changing and cleaning him when he couldn’t, and wetting his lips and mouth with a water-soaked sponge as he slept. When he struggled to breathe — he had asthma as well — we were there to help with his inhaler, to call respiratory therapy, or just to hold his hand and speak words or prayers of comfort.


More importantly, we were there when he realized he couldn’t fight anymore and had things he needed to say. After he told me he was sorry for those times he failed as a father, he saw my loving eyes that held no reproach, and he felt my kiss and knew my love.

Anonymous ID: 19fbcf Nov. 25, 2020, 3:33 p.m. No.11787242   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7315 >>7454 >>7490 >>7507

“It’s Also Clear There Was Foreign Intrusion into Our Voting Systems” – Sidney Powell Joins Lou Dobbs — Lawsuit Expected Tonight but No Later than Tomorrow


Attorney Sidney Powell joined Lou Dobbs on Kraken Wednesday.


This was after her client General Michael Flynn was pardoned by President Donald Trump.


Sidney Powell told Lou Dobbs she will “Release the Kraken” sometime tonight but no later than tomorrow.


Sidney Powell: It was nationwide… The times and deadlines should be met. And the evidence is so overwhelming it’s almost as though they were so blatant about it they expected us to catch it. And maybe it’s a diversion from something else that’s going on. I don’t know. It’s also clear there was foreign intrusion into our voting systems. And that’s going to be the real where the rubber meets the road… It’s in your face everywhere. The statistical evidence is insurmountable.

Anonymous ID: 19fbcf Nov. 25, 2020, 3:43 p.m. No.11787387   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7454 >>7460 >>7507

Police raid homes across Sydney in crime gang crackdown


Specialist police have raided homes across inner and southwest Sydney this morning.

The operation is related to an ongoing investigation by NSW Police's State Crime Command Criminal Gang Squad.

Anonymous ID: 19fbcf Nov. 25, 2020, 3:46 p.m. No.11787436   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7454 >>7490 >>7507

Telstra admits to unconscionable conduct, faces $50m fine for 'exploiting' Indigenous consumers


Telstra has admitted to unconscionable conduct during its sales of mobile phone plans to Indigenous consumers and could face a penalty of up to $50 million.


The telco admitted it had breached Australian consumer law and today the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) announced it was instituting Federal Court proceedings against the company.


Today's announcement comes after an 18-month investigation by the ACCC, after serious concerns were raised by a number of financial counsellors in rural and remote areas.


Last year, financial counsellors told the ABC consumers were being sold unaffordable phone plans and were then aggressively pursued by debt collectors.


"Sales staff at five licensed Telstra-branded stores signed up 108 Indigenous consumers to multiple post-paid mobile contracts which they did not understand and could not afford between January 2016 to August 2018," the ACCC said in a statement.


In each case, these contracts were entered into with individual consumers on a single day when they visited a store.


The ACCC said Telstra had agreed to consent orders that would support a penalty totalling $50 million, but ultimately, it would be up to the court to decide how much Telstra should pay.


"This case exposes extremely serious conduct which exploited social, language, literacy and cultural vulnerabilities of these Indigenous consumers," ACCC chair Rod Sims said.


"Even though Telstra became increasingly aware of elements of the improper practices by sales staff at Telstra licensed stores over time, it failed to act quickly enough to stop it.


"These practices continued and caused further, serious and avoidable financial hardship to Indigenous consumers."

Average debt $7,400 per customer


One young Indigenous woman from Broome told the ABC she feared she would go to jail when she received legal threats from a debt collector over her outstanding Telstra bill.


The ACCC said many of the customers being pursued by Telstra only spoke English as a second or third language.


The regulator said many were unemployed and were on welfare and lived in remote areas where Telstra was the only mobile phone provider.


The average debt per consumer was more than $7,400.

Telstra chief apologies


Telstra chief Andrew Penn apologised for the company's "failings".


"I have spoken often about doing business responsibly, including about these failings, since earlier this year. I am determined we have a leadership position and hold ourselves accountable in this regard," he said.


"While it was a small number of licensee stores that did not do the right thing, the impact on these vulnerable customers has been significant and this is not OK.


"We have taken steps to provide full refunds with interest, waived debts and allowed most customers to keep their devices to help make things right."


Mr Penn said Telstra's remediation program for the 108 customers was in addition to the proposed $50 million penalty which was provisioned for in the company's full year results in August 2020.


"This included appointing a customer advocate to help us better identify and respond to such issues, working more closely with community representatives and financial counsellors, and shortly introducing a specific call centre in the Northern Territory which will also assist our Indigenous customers," Mr Penn said.