Reposting, was at the end of last bread and I was told “no one care, fuck off”, so I decided I’d post again
E on Parler, maybe ECW
E.• @EWillHelpYou
2 days ago·.
You need to see the bigger picture
Wind your perspective back a ways with me.
Let's start by looking at the voter fraud as absolutely necessary to let happen.
If Dominion Voting Systems is shown to be crooked… what happens?
If, conclusively, we are able to show the true extent of deceit; what does that mean for the rest of the control mechanisms?
When a dam starts to burst, is it hard to stop?
Start walking backward through the timeline of fake narratives from the MSM.
Russiagate? Obamagate? Pizzagate?
What about Julian Assange?
What about Epstein?
What about the CIA?
Mockingbirds rendered SILENT, caught in a giant spiderweb sewn from their own lies.
The strong-arm of the real cult exposed.
What happens then?
Vindication, and action suddenly become possible.
Real change becomes possible.
The system itself becomes changeable.
And the corrupt, finally accountable.
People Unite.
Do not lose sight.
Do not lose hope.
The Lion rises up, and you with it.
Stay The Course.
He posted this today:
Post Author Profile Pic
9 hours ago
To the extent specifically authorized in the designation made by the SecDef in accordance with Section 2672(b), an officer or agent may exercise one or more of the following powers:
a. Enforce federal laws and regulations for the protection of persons and property.
b. Carry firearms, pursuant to DoD Directive 5210.56.
c. Make arrests:
(1) Without a warrant for any offense against the United States committed in the
presence of the officer or agent; or
(2) For any felony cognizable under the laws of the United States if the officer or agent
has reasonable grounds to believe that the person to be arrested has committed or is committing a felony.
d. Serve warrants and subpoenas issued under the authority of the United States.
e. Conduct investigations, on and off the property in question, of offenses that may have been committed against property under DoD jurisdiction, custody, or control, or persons on such property.