I'd like to thank the breadshitting SHILLS for making their posts early for filtering.
Amen, anon
Five Illegal Alien MS-13 Gang Members Charged with Murdering Informant
In 2018, Breitbart News’ Bob Price reported that Castro-Martinez, an informant for the Houston Police Department, was hacked to death with machete-style weapons by a number of MS-13 gang members. At the time of his murder, Castro-Martinez was wearing a recording device.
This is a freespeech board, who cares who is the irl human behind E. If you don't like E's message, don't read it. DONT'T ever presume to speak for other anons and TELL us that E is bullshit and must be dismissed. YOU are not all knowing, you are nothing more than anon.
>knowing that joe had his first wife murdered
Damn…I dug into the 'accident' and I didn't find that description anywhere, that the truck was carrying corncobs…
TY, kind anon
brilliantly plausible!
>it's about all of us..
That is all it's ever been about, anon. This whole day has me on verge of tears, I do believer we've finally made it.
Why do you say that?
I'd like to see that but I'd also like to see it played out so that equal justice is realized EVERYWHERE! Here in Canada, if someone breaks into my home with a baseball bat and I shoot him, I go to jail for murder - self protection laws dictate that I need to use same force. Fucking ridiculous!