Waiting for Sullivan is a waste of time and Sidney has better things to do for DJT.
>in regards to Gowdy.
All talk, accomplished nothing outside of good youtube clips.
2 kids. Wouldn't want anything bad to happen to them.
His comments on Comey being exonerated in the long run back in July 2017 aged like roadkill.
Affidavit filed in Lin Wood's case referenced watermarks on ballots not being the same.
>But it lets sully off the hook.
Thanks, Anon. As far as Sullivan goes, Tom Fitton has a new role coming up overseeing judges. And 'Johnheretohelp' has chimed in on his son's crimes of rape, not sure how credible, but Fitton can handle that judge from a position of authority.
Anon, the Wood case in GA had only @8 and I specifically recall seeing that the fake ballot had black dots, not the honey colored ones. I should look for it amongst thousands of files I've saved, but I know what I read. Damn board is moving so fast I'd be back in 3 if I got lucky. Will try to find, though.