A talented autist artist.
Where you see slidefag artist shill (whatever that means) I see beauty.
I'll stick to my interpretation.
Thanks for the suggestion though.
You are completely correct, 100%.
But you won't change the behavior of jew haters.
They are adrift, at least for now. Ignore them.
That is not to say that you shouldn't speak the truth. Just don't bother doing it as a reaction to those who you cannot change. Do it proactively. For example:
The righteous anon sees without prejudice.
Lady Justice doesn't see color of skin.
Lady Justice doesn't see race.
Lady Justice doesn't see gender.
Lady Justice doesn't see sexual preference.
Lady Justice doesn't see religious preference.
Lady Justice doesn't see political ideology.
Lady Justice doesn't see ancestry.
Lady Justice sees criminal behavior.
Lady Justice sees without prejudice.
Color of skin is not a crime.
Race is not a crime.
Gender is not a crime.
Sexual preference is not a crime.
Religious preference is not a crime.
Political ideology is not a crime.
Ancestry is not a crime.
See without prejudice.
Let's put it on our calendars.
Picking a timeframe is arbitrary, no basis in logic.
All illegals should be vetted. Those who pass the process get to stay. Those who do not get the boot.