We are at the cusp of a new era. Let us watch for (((shill))) bakers, and constant vigilance. Thank you, baker.
We are at the cusp of a new era. Let us watch for (((shill))) bakers, and constant vigilance. Thank you, baker.
While it is relevant, Q specifically cleared this up with crumb #998.
https:// qanon.pub/
Apr 3 2018 19:49:59 (EST) Q AT4Z3VQ ID: 3474d4 >>884858
The "Chair" serves the Master.
Who is the Master?
P = C.
Chair = Papal throne.
Master = ((roths)) or lucifer. Think M = devil horns.
P = C
[POPE] in the kill box. aka the current usurper.
He also pointed to when ((roths)) gained full control:
Apr 4 2018 18:02:33 (EST) Q T4Z3VQ ID: >>169658 >>896860
List the estimated wealth of religious organizations.
Vatican bank.
Board of Superintendence.
Supervisory Commission of Cardinals.
Clown connection.
1832 Rothschild loan to the Holy See.
Here' the interesting info:
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rothschild_loans_to_the_Holy_See
"All of this had been done in a discreet manner, without the Rothschilds being informed. But when agents of the Rothschild banking family of Naples had learned that an agent of the "six banks" of Paris, had been in Rome, their suspicions were heightened.[10] After learning about the situation, Carl Mayer von Rothschild set out to Rome to find out the truth about the matter from Cardinal Tosti.[11] While there he produced a copy of the original 5% contract, signed by Rothschild and Torlonia (before Tosti had been involved with Papal finance) which contained an until now secret condition;[11] the Holy See may not approach any other firm for a new loan without first informing the Rothschilds and giving them preference if it offered equal conditions to its competition.[12] The six Parisian firms at first considered trying to offer such conditions that, if the Rothschilds tried to match it then it would damage their own interests; however, in the end, the two sides reconciled and went in on the new loan terms together.[13]"
5% annual interest.
Now I invite the anons and Patriots to listen to all the Ronald Bernard vids starting with this one in the notables:
and see the interesting tidbit where he mentions "5% interest" to suck the world dry.
If you have noticed, in 1st world nations inflation generally is encouraged to stay around 2-3% range annually.
Here's where this takes an interesting angle. Initial ((roths)) loan to the papacy is valued at £34.1 million in 2016, or approximately 50 million roughly in USD. Remember, these (((bastards))) don't EVER want you to pay it back.
Do the simple math of 5% interest accumulation over the period of 175 years or so since 1832, and that initial loan of 50 million or so USD value balloons to over 255 BILLION USD.
Q crumb:
>Vatican bank.
Remember that while interest may be paid, along with donations to churches financing its operations etc, further loans and such dealings not yet discovered through various ((roth)) owned intermediaries probably took place. I know we used the 2016 value here, but it's not necessarily flawed if you consider that 50 million dollar figure compared to 400,000 pounds initially is correct according to its purchasing power (rough very rough). Also, inflation mechanism that makes it so is very complex. Other anons can contribute.
INFLATION is NOT and expansion of monetary supply. It is DEPRECIATION of existing money value. When there is 5% inflation, your salary is worth 5% less in a year than previous in terms of purchasing power.
People do not know that when you BORROW 100 shekelz under terms of pay 5 shekelz annually, THERE IS NO PLACE ON EARTH WHERE YOU CAN GET THAT EXTRA 5 SHEKELZ. Fiat/monetary system is trading of HUMAN energy represented in a system, and that ENERGY is not infinite. It is limited within current state.
'But your future efforts and salaries will pay for it. Human capital MAKES that extra 5 shekelz'.
Beautiful lie. Illusion of hope. If you WORK to make that 10 shekelz to pay that 5 in interest, you are consigning half of your labor to the interest that was part of your original 'potential energy'. That 'energy' is then forfeited, and your eventual return is half of what it should have been if you didn't agree to the deal.
Now that (((they))) have HALF of your labor, what is to stop ((roths)) from using that to ensure that no matter how much you try, half of your labor will be take away from you no matter how bigger you get? More to the point, if ((they)) keep accumulating energy within a closed system aka earth, it's a given that eventually more and more will become ((theirs)). Infinite human potential in this case is a beautiful lie, just like many other things.
Bait for unthinking herd of cattle.
Take your faggot kike muh antisemitismz fake tears elsewhere. You (((shills))) got fucking destroyed tonight, and nothing can stop the truth from spreading.
TLDR cry harder, (((cabal bitch #1))).
All connected, yes. But in this case, it is obviously referring to 'soros answers to P' post with this.
Of course that analysis you gave has merit. Frankly in terms of interconnectedness and role, none of it is different. [pope] = (((them))) = ((roths)). kikery and (((globalist))) EVIL ((cabal)) acts abound.
'money' controls. DEBT is slavery. Think on the rest of my post. CHURCH has been comp'd since 19th century completely.