Anonymous ID: 1924f6 Nov. 25, 2020, 5:27 p.m. No.11788733   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9081



Prather has some bona fides, so I can't dismiss him.


ECW is a Flynn Protege, and I noticed as soon as ECW was given asst secdef job Gen. Flynn was seen again amongst the Trump admin bigs. Prather speaks highly of ECW and his accomplishments. Proven track record in military. ECW, I think, planned and took out terrorist cells. Melds in with Flynn view that islamic terrorists are the main problem.


Noticed, too, on the E parler page the Eagle Flys clip was posted after Flynn pardon. God indication E is ECW, IMO.


BDA posted last week Flynn was going to be CIA head. That's not a stretch anymore.


I'm guessing Sidney would be inline for AG. WAG, though, based on Sidney getting shit done while Barr is diddling.


So I'll go, for now, with Barr as a DS plant being fucked over by Q drops at every turn. Add to that congressional panties in a wad about "QAnon" and I think ECW is Q take isn't far off. He fucked Barr's boys up and whoever is pulling Barr's strings has called in the chips. They need ECW gone.


There was an named anon on half back when who claimed Trump took on Barr to do a managed reset, but if Barr fucked up, Trump was going biblical.