Pew study indicates leftism is LITERALLY a mental illness
Conservatives love to throw out slogans such as "liberalism is a disease" or "Trump derangement syndrome" when talking about those who adhere to a leftist worldview. Turns out, there may actually be some scientific data from Pew Research to back up those claims. The results of the study, which was conducted off a self-reported poll by Pew in March, indicated that across all races and age groups, those who identified as conservative were far less likely to have been diagnosed with a mental illness by a doctor. In the youngest bracket of 18 to 29-year-olds, 45.9% of liberals said they had received such a diagnosis compared to 20.1% of conservatives.
When filtered by race, the problem becomes even more defined. Whites who identified as "very liberal" – you know, the majority of people marching in Antifa and BLM and espousing Critical Race Theory and professing their white guilt – are twice as likely as their non-white counterparts to suffer from mental illness. As you look across to the conservative side, however, a trend appears. Not only does the amount drop from 38% to 14.8%, but the racial disparity in the results disappears. Ph.D. student Zach Goldberg took the overall data and created a chart to show how likely a person is to develop mental illness based on race and political affiliation. Once again, whites who identified as "very liberal" - AKA the majority of our nation's socialistic wokescold leftists – were far more prone to problems. "I didn't write this thread to mock white liberals or their apparently disproportionate rates of mental illness (and you shouldn't either)," said Goldberg. "Rather, this is a question that's underexplored and which may shed light on attitudinal differences towards various social policies."
Among white liberals, the most affected group were far-left women. 56.3% of white leftist women reported mental illness compared to 27.3% percent of conservative women. To be clear: I am not mocking mental illness. Anxiety, depression, and other psychological ailments are not a laughing matter. We are complex creatures with both complex bodies and even more complex souls. From a biblical viewpoint, we are also living in a fallen world where we are cursed to struggle through life and die. The problem is, the Left keeps preaching about human utopia, evolution, and everlasting life if only we get everyone on board the Woke train. It has coddled the minds of children throughout their educations and taught them that reality is subjective. When those children grow up and face the reality of a brutal, evil world and the objective truths of morality and mortality that have defined every civilization, their psyches simply break.
The sad result, apart from the destruction of civilization, is the skyrocketing increase in psychological pain and dysfunction. The antidote, we must remember, is not simply conservatism, for not all conservatives follow objective principles or moral living. Instead, I would argue, it is the Gospel truth underpinning so much of conservative thought that leads to hope and renewal. It is that nonconformity to the patterns of this world and adherence to God's Word that allows our minds to be transformed. Ah, you say, but conservatism and Christianity are not one and the same! True, but let me ask you: who was the last leftist public figure, politician or otherwise, that you heard accurately quote Scripture and implore humble obedience to God's Word? I can give you one conservative example from just today. Senate candidate John James, who referenced his faith in Christ and God's sufficient grace in his concession speech, told conservatives directly from Ephesians 6 that the fight is not against "our fellow Americans, but against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." Were America to return to these profound truths and amazing hope, what healing would be possible indeed!