We've been jumping on and out of that parallel timeline constantly since 2015. Impossible to explain to normies but if they don't want that alternative timeline….focus on, pray for, put your energy into revelation of truth. Neutrality focused on truth is the hardest thing for people because "what if the truth is alternative to what I beLIEve?" If you're holding energy for one "team" or another it would be more helpful to back it off a side or a personal desire and make revelation of truth your most important desire.
Don't do it for fear of the alternate timeline, don't do it because you "need" to be proven "right". Do it because truth is the most important thing in the universe.
Reject people who teach/preach fear in any form. Right/left neither "side" is winning when they "fight".
Trump is winning because his eyes have always been on the truth.
Stay in the now. Don't worry about vaccines. When you worry "ahead" and "what if" you're doing what my elders always said was "borrowing trouble". In Biblical terms, if you're a Christian it's "as a man thinketh so is he". In alternative terms "all thought is creation, the minute you begin to think of something you begin the process of creating reality". We are the creators of our own reality….so guard your thoughts.
Be still and quiet and be in the NOW. You're not going to change minds….even with all the truth being revealed let them who have eyes to see and ears to hear.
I don't like that alternative timeline. Timewalkers from that future timeline are working hard to reveal what that looks like. IF we are able to shift our beLIEfs and and refuse to engage the lie, we might just be able to "save" that future and merge timelines.
Work to be in balance with all that is. Ying Yang is a being in perfect balance. Not eradication of evil but putting evil in its place.
Truth. HOLD these truths to be "SELF EVIDENT". Not anger at the lost ones who are blind, deaf, and dumb.