Flynn Free_FISA goes both ways
We now know that C_A had intel that HRC was going to work with russia intel to frame djt, that was declassed recently and it was briefed by brennan to bo, we can assume she followed through, we also know Flynn was set up to cover crimes with foreign involvement that he would likely address as NSA.
I believe that the following likely occured:
The Start:
Admiral Rogers+MF@TT
When DJT took office he knew their game, when they set up Flynn that was a NatSec threat to the Republic, especially since HRC was linked to Foreign Govs and worked to frame Trump also (NatSec threat/Treason, Sedition).
Flynn was ECWs mentor and part of a closely vetted and trusted Team (Q).
Potus assigned ECW (a DIA NatSec counterintel expert) to Sessions in the AG Office.
The reason was to initiate a counter intel investigation against those framing Potus and Flynn.
ECW assisted Sessions in gaining a FISA warrant and planning the investigation, assigning a Team.
(Sessions out- Thank You for your service, Whitaker and Barr may or may not be read in).
The FISA was reviewed and extended every 90 days as the investigation expanded and become more consequential and higher up the fraud chain of leadership and severity of NatSec crimes.
Q: FISA goes both ways
Potus: We caught Them All.
We have had them under a full investigation including FISA warrants for the entire Potus presidency.
With a 3 hop, or 2 hop by E2020, we literally have it all.
E2020 fraud was the finale.
TREASON, C19 Crimes Against Humanity.
These People are Sick
Flynn Free.
Done in [30]. (Results/Arrests)
Merry Christmas!