Funny, coz Dominion et al made it soooo easy to commit voter fraud that it really, really, really does not take a nuclear scientist to do it.
But check patents. CHICOMS.
Think back to the accident explosion of NKOR'S underground nuclear weapons development facility. The eagerness for results can be deadly.
Believe in coincidences?
Apply to the desperate eagerness to get results in the 2020 presidential election. If you were DEEP STATE would you expect an elevated risk of being caught at cheating? Then who'd be expendable in getting hands dirty? Risk mitigation.
Always expect diversions.
But this is till glorious to behold as it unfolds and the topper is that despite the lack of MSM attention on it the country and the world will learn of the details and the significance of the broad sweep of recent history.
INDEED, anon, this is an amazing document first and foremost as a complaint but also as an investigative report.
There are REPORTERS, old time perhaps, who'd feel somewhat jealour right now, if not in awe inspired.
Investigative reporters worth their salt would be all over this henceforth and forthwith. KEK.
Understood. Consider the view from the elite of the cabal. Would you not expect detection? And so enage in risk mitigation? Whose ground troops would you sacrifice to cover your retreat? The algo is what Hitchcock used to call the MULLIGAN in his movies.
My prev post was not about complexity of the algo. I think the insight was that both sides knew the vunerability of the voting system and, also, the vulnerability of the means of cheating. Hence both sides are aware that the eagerness to get a result will cause chaos.
Invite you to re-read the original post upbread. It was not about technicalities but strategies based on exposed tactics.
Before even considering the algo, the windows platform, or panic, consider the problem with the connexion to internet - whether or not it was continuous it was always a gaping potential destroyer of the chain of custody. FATAL.
This had to be known by the black hats.
While no analogy is a perfect 1-to-1 comparison, consider the example of a mule who runs drugs across state lines by loading up a vehicle and driving cross country. Does it so often that it induces complacency, over-confidence, and even a sense of invincibility.
Speeds or does other stupid shite and still does not get caught. Might even engage in a bit of illicit frivoloities.
But eventually slips up and gets caught. EXPENDABLE. Always was. And so treated that way by the cartel. But also rewarded as a loyal soldier before and after capture.
This chaos has to happen, of course, but who does it really weaken and distract? Take the loss, might be the attitude, at the very least, as the DEEP STATE concedes this particular field of engagement. Blow it up on the way out.
Possibility is that among the competing factions within the DEEP STATE there are those who see this as a way to gain the upperhand within and so enables the sacrifice of a competitor's resources. Meanwhile, consolidating advantages.
Fatal flaw built-in. Was it a self-destruct button, in effect?
If you were DEEP STATE would you 'trust' the likes of those who committed the actual hands-on fraud in this election? Compare with trusting the likes of ANTIFA goons. They are expendable and easily led to the slaughter. Useful, to a point, but replacable and not of high value.
Concur, fren. Strategic. Almost like a shear bolt. Or a couling that links motor to pump. Designed to fail under certain stresses. Not meant to be defensible. Nor hidden.
Agree that there are many ways to get results while also covering with different tactics.
The technicalities are easiest to brush off amongs the normal population. Easiest to obfuscate. And easiest for the lower level foot soldier to exploit without tech knowledge. Not necessarily the best, but it has its advantages on a strategic level.
I think it comes down to knowingly leaving these vunerabilities in the scheme so as to use tactically but not improvised on the spot.
Wise ^^^
The DEEP STATE has not had an effective opponent for how long? Waaaaay too long, natch. And so they were not battle tested leading up to this moment.
But the enemy learns and adapts. Gives up territory and assetts to fight another day.
And I do think their mindset is that they will have another day. And that they will first survive before returning re-invigorated with all the scorn and venom they will have kept in their guts for however long that takes.