thanks, makes sense. the pace of the legal proceedings is truly dizzying. never saw so much happen so quick.
>why no attacks on radical muslims from this board?
attacks comes from shills - ask them
but maybe u can guess
yep. Hubris can be subtle. I had a lot more when younger. Not obvious but there - until the 'unthinkable' happened. Rocked my world and shattered the illusion that 'it can't happen here.'
>no of typos in filings
not that surprising. i've written books that are self-published. the no of edits it takes to get out most of the typos - maybe a dozen. unless you're rich, you got to do most of em yourself.
yes - it's a real bitch proofing your own work. friends help but you're still doing a lot of it yourself. a thankless task but necessary unless you want to sign over control to somebody else (in the case of authoring a book).
law is extremely interesting but legal culture is brutal. real gauntlet for new associates, kek.
grammar nazis are really angels in disguise.