>page 2: Mathematical and statistical anomalies rising to the level of impossibilities.
Imagine being so bad at math that you can’t write an algorithm that flips votes within statistical possibilities.
>page 2: Mathematical and statistical anomalies rising to the level of impossibilities.
Imagine being so bad at math that you can’t write an algorithm that flips votes within statistical possibilities.
The person who wrote the algo is about as good at math and Fauci is at virology.
Whoever wrote the vote flipping algo can’t do fucking math. If it was this nuclear physicist I wouldn’t let him near an atom splitter.
Some of the “certified” Dominion software ran on end of life versions of Windows.
Aside from that, the software itself should’ve been logging access properly and securing the audit logs.
It doesn’t take a nuclear physicist to understand that an algorithm that causes statistical impossibilities is not a good strategy for making things look legit. It does take some math skills to write an algo to stay within statistical possibilities, but nothing spectacular. It was a major strategy fail overall.
>destroyer of the chain of custody
The votes are transferred via USB drives from the voting machines to the precinct tabulators with no way to validate them. Hence the “baggies of USB drives” in the affidavits. Chain of custody was out the window on many levels.
They clearly had to have crippled the Scorecard system enough in 2016 to allow Trump to win, I just never put 2 and 2 together with “muh Russian hacking”.
Damn good insight.
>they can be incredibly stupid because of their hubris.
I knew a narcissist. Intelligent, even had a PhD but would tell some ridiculous tall tales. When he got caught doing some illegal things he concocted the most absurd story that he truly thought everyone would believe. He was absolutely convinced of this. He was wrong (and stupid) and ended up in prison.
>I have no idea what I am talking about.
Don’t be so hard on yourself, everyone is hot and an expert on the Internet.
>I think it more likely that the fraud was forced to go that radical because of the sheer number of votes for Trump.
That is a definite possibility since they had to shut down all the systems across several states election night. Despite the BS polls the MSM spewed, big data is a thing and they knew the numbers would equal a landslide for Trump. That would mean they only had one shot to run their algo (on election night) instead of running it during early voting, which would’ve prevented the need to overcome a large curve. They must’ve suspected they were being watched.
If the algo flips votes then it would just flip them within a stastically possible margin, but you have to run it over the entire night to keep up and prevent a large curve to overcome. (And ideally during early voting.) But it seems they could only run it once, and we saw the result of that on live TV when votes suddenly flipped from Trump to Biden on the news tickers. After that they had to use physical ballot stuffing, that’s when the wagons full of ballots were wheeled into poll counting centers like Detroit and and 100,000+ votes were all impossibly all for Biden.
Will it reach SCOTUS?
>US Gov't OWNS all those frozen assets from the collaborators
Government by the people and for the people.