Anonymous ID: 7d2108 Nov. 26, 2020, 3:38 a.m. No.11793941   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3995

>>11792500 (PB)

>Something of note from the half Chan thread on the kraken :

>Trump won in 2016 because someone DDOS’d the network access for this botnet. That was the “Russian hacking.” Dems were so certain of it because it was real but they could not ever admit how they were certain. So the election WAS hacked, from the perspective of globohomo. From perspective of Americans the hacking of the election was prevented.

>The same team who performed this blocking in 2016 used 2018 as bait, letting Dems get away with fully and brazenly changing votes. In 2020 they would thusly do the same thing except this time it was all being monitored.


This injects good insight into something I opined yesterday. Essentially the same, but I made the case that (they) assumed 2016 was the result of their fraud operation having some cracks in it, which they were led to believe they had sealed up in 2018 (leading to the sting of 2020). I never connected the dots with muh Russia. The Dems honestly believed their 2016 hack was "de-hacked" by Trump via Putin. They never suspected for a second that the de-hacking was conducted as a US MI operation.

Anonymous ID: 7d2108 Nov. 26, 2020, 5:22 a.m. No.11794378   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4390 >>4417 >>4433 >>4464 >>4494 >>4561 >>4584

Anons - I suspect Sidney/Kraken won't be the knockout punch. If you are familiar with boxing, the best analogy would be that the work Sidney is doing is "body work". The great boxer will use early rounds to concentrate on body blows, with the occasional head shot. But the successive use of body blows causes the opponent to begin dropping his hands in order protect the body. Body blows also serve to sap the opponent's strength…to soften him. Used over and over, the body blow has an intense psychological effect…they fuckin hurt, and the pain fucks with your head. So as the opponent gets fatigued and instinctively drops his hands to protect his battered and painful body, guess what he leaves open. The head! BOOM, left hook comes out of nowhere. Opponent never sees it coming and is flat on the canvas in a nanosecond.


That's what I believe is habbening. Sidney is important AF, but won't be the knockout. The knockout is something we won't see until it happens, and more importantly the opponent won't see coming. The slow-motion replays will be the most satisfying part.

Anonymous ID: 7d2108 Nov. 26, 2020, 5:37 a.m. No.11794494   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Boxing is deception.


"All warfare is based on deception. There is no place where espionage is not used. Offer the enemy bait to lure him." – Sun-Tzu