update... ID: 9a9e0f April 25, 2018, 6:44 a.m. No.1179630   🗄️.is 🔗kun


heat merchant


madmen park at the dead of night

keeping evil vigil till the fire fight

rat a tat rat a tat, pop pop pop

murder leave the scene better call a cop


heat merchant yeah

you can’t hate everyone

heat merchant yeah

you can’t hate everyone


some hero low down and dirty

emulate a freak it isn’t purdy

you seek atonement on those you kill

no recompensing for the blood you spill


heat merchant yeah

you can’t hate everyone

heat merchant yeah

you can’t hate everyone


nix nix your dirty trix

you can’t keep hating

nikkarz, joos and spix


heat merchant yeah

you can’t hate every

you can’t hate every

you can’t hate everyone




  • ++ +++


It’s time to learn the TRUTH.

Learn the TRUTH.

They want you enslaved.

They want you divided.