Anonymous ID: a991a7 Nov. 26, 2020, 8:42 a.m. No.11796064   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Jody Tishmack • 33 minutes ago • edited

Trump encouraging his followers not to vote in the Georgia runoff election in January. Trump Jr. is telling followers to write in "Donald Trump". I wonder what Mitch thinks about the possibility that if both Republicans lose the runoff the Dems take control of the Senate. Eventually they had to know that supporting Trump would come back to haunt them.…

To Dooley, the Tea Party activist, the fighting is illogical.

“That’s like cutting off your nose to spite your face,” she said. “The Republicans have to win one of those seats. … If Democrats win both of those seats, if you boycott the runoff or you write in names, you are giving Democrats control of the Senate and they will have total control of the government.”

But pragmatism, Rothschild warned, may not be enough to sway conspiratorially minded Trump supporters.

“They're still so very deep in the mythology and the conspiracies and the double dealing and the chicanery,” he said. “It's like they can't get out of their own way to see what an opportunity they have here, and how bad it will be for them if things go wrong.

Pay this site a visit lads.They love to "chat" with me but I am greatly outnumbered. I have been trying to redpill this group for awhile but they delete my comments after I try to enlighten them.