Anonymous ID: 7a1ad0 Nov. 26, 2020, 10:19 a.m. No.11797020   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7048 >>7050 >>7125 >>7299 >>7483 >>7624

More Suspicious Elections Absentee Data from Detroit: 36% of Absentee Ballots Returned Were From People Who Were Not Listed as Being Sent an Absentee Ballot


400% More Detroiters Missing Data on When they Requested their Absentee Ballots than Normal


An anomaly in the election data could be an indication of massive absentee voter fraud in Detroit, and accounts for more votes than the difference between Trump and Biden in Michigan.


The rate of missing data for when an absentee ballot was sent to a voter is four times greater in heavily Democrat Detroit/Wayne County than in the rest of the state.


Of the 566,788 absentee ballots cast in Wayne County, the absentee data file provided by the Michigan Secretary of State indicates that 203,311 ballots show that no application for an absentee ballot was mailed or sent to that voter by their local clerk, which is a rate of roughly 36%.


Of the remaining 2,719,718 absentee ballots outside of Wayne County (the statewide total minus the amount in Wayne County) there are 252,456 absentee ballots cast that show that no application for an absentee ballot was mailed or sent to that voter by their local clerk, a rate of roughly 9%. Meaning the Wayne County rate is four times higher than the rest of the state of Michigan.


The difference between the statewide average of 9% missing this absentee ballot data as observed in the rest of Michigan and the hard-to-explain 36% observed in Wayne County is a difference of 153,032 votes.


One Michigan data vendor with regular business in front of the Secretary of State said, “This isn’t necessarily a smoking gun for fraud, but it does suggest that either wide scale ballot harvesting was being done, or the post office was backdating illegal ballots, or there was widespread absentee ballot fraud as many people have alleged.”


According to the Michigan Bureau of Elections, “If that field is blank it simply means that the voter was never sent an absentee application. With the new Online Absentee Application [and] lots of voters sent an app in through MVIC so they were never sent one.”


MVIC is referring to the Michigan Voter Information Center run by the Department of State that mailed absentee ballot applications to everyone in the state of Michigan. Someone receiving one of these applications and filling it out or filling out the Online Absentee Ballot Application would be one cause for that field to be blank in the majority of these cases. It is also possible that someone could physically go into their clerk’s office and request an absentee ballot. No application would be sent to the voter in that instance.


While it’s not suspicious at all that this field would be blank for a large number of voters, it does seem rather unusual that Wayne County would have a rate four times higher than the rest of the state of Michigan. This could indicate that some outside source was operating in Wayne County that was requesting absentee ballots for registered voters outside of traditional pathways.


“If you had someone in the Clerk’s office who was just handing them off to someone who was going to fill them out, or someone in the Post Office gathering ballots as they come in or that weren’t deliverable and then handed those off to people who would fill them out, it would look like this. It’s very suspicious that four times more absentees are missing this data than anywhere else in Michigan, this data suggests Trump may have won the state by 30,000 votes,” the Michigan data vendor added.

Anonymous ID: 7a1ad0 Nov. 26, 2020, 10:22 a.m. No.11797035   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7043 >>7055 >>7125 >>7299 >>7483 >>7624

Predictive Programming? Israeli Publishers Have Been Writing About a COVID-Like Pandemic for Years


The general public’s willing acceptance of the draconian restrictions placed on mobility and freedom of assembly due to the coronavirus was “predicted” in fictional novels and other artistic creations over the last few decades. Is it a matter of life imitating art or something more sinister?


Life imitates art is a phrase we often hear when certain events are seemingly foretold in a painting, a song, or any number of the creative disciplines people engage in. Books, in particular, are a generous source of such lore. Sometimes, the separation between the work of art’s making and the foreshadowed event is eerily short, leading to speculation that more than simple creative genius was behind its production.


Drawing too close a link between an artist’s inspiration and a future event mirrored in their work is a risky proposition, but sometimes the events depicted on the page or the screen parallel real life so closely, that questions of predictive programming arise ­– a concept many in academia dismiss as the ravings of “conspiracy theorists” in a familiar pattern of discrediting narratives that challenge authority.


Alan Watt, the man credited with postulating the notion of predictive programming, describes it as “a subtle form of psychological conditioning provided by the media to acquaint the public with planned societal changes to be implemented by our leaders. If and when these changes are put through, the public will already be familiarized with them and will accept them as natural progressions, thus lessening possible public resistance and commotion.”


While scorned by sycophants of power and gatekeepers, predictive programming is not an especially farfetched idea. Anyone who has ever put together an advertising campaign knows that conditioning public opinion is the name of the game and after nearly one century of television and a world awash in screens that relentlessly try to influence consumer behavior, predictive programming is just a small step beyond that.


Netflix and Pill


Most people become uncomfortable with the thought of “planned societal changes” imposed from up on high by an earthly hierarchy of powerful overlords but have little resistance to ascribing such broad shifts in society to providential deities or invisible forces from another realm.


Our failure to recognize that we are the creators of our own societies has been fomented by consumer-driven capitalist enterprises controlled by a relative handful of plutocrats, who invest heavily in molding human imagination by supplanting authentic expressions of community and culture with their logos, taglines, and catchy jingles.


Of course, the mechanisms of social control have grown by leaps and bounds since the advent of the Internet and big data, which allows for unprecedented levels of societal targeting, down to its individual members. Never has this been more apparent than in the situation we all find ourselves at present during this curious pandemic crisis, where the synchronized actions on the part of organs of the establishment, such as government, the press, and academia, have imposed a standardized vision of reality and decreed rules for social interaction on a largely docile society, which accepted the draconian shift without much resistance at all.


Many will recall the 1995 movie “Outbreak”, which marked the start of a slew of Hollywood and international productions of films with plotlines revolving around a killer virus. Most of these movies had large marketing budgets that ran intense advertising campaigns. The essence of movies like “Pandemic,” “Contagion,” “28 Days Later,” and dozens more in this genre, reached millions if not billions of people around the world through trailers and other means of dissemination.

Anonymous ID: 7a1ad0 Nov. 26, 2020, 10:24 a.m. No.11797051   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7125 >>7299 >>7483 >>7624

Military Dog, Treated by Army Docs, Receives Top UK Honors for Performance Under Fire


A British military working dog who risked his life in Afghanistan to protect his unit and subsequently was helped by a team of U.S. Army veterinarians and Air Force surgeons has been awarded the "animal equivalent of the Victoria Cross" for his actions in combat.


Kuno, a four-year-old Belgian malinois, was assigned to a unit of the United Kingdom's Special Boat Service in Afghanistan in 2019 when the group was tasked with a night raid on a suspected al-Qaida compound.


After their helicopter landed, Kuno and his handler exited and raced toward nearby buildings, immediately attracting machine-gun fire. The handler released Kuno to take down the gunner. The pup then proceeded to use his well-trained nose to locate a variety of hidden weapons and explosives within the area.


But as Kuno and the handler moved toward the doorway of another building, the team was targeted by grenades and additional machine-gun fire. They became pinned down by an enemy combatant wearing night vision goggles, unable to move without risking casualties.


To break the stalemate, Kuno's handler ordered the dog to attack the insurgent, who opened fire at the rushing, 67-pound dog. Despite suffering bullet wounds to both hind legs, Kuno, "barely breaking stride … launched himself at the insurgent, biting his arm and wrestling him to the ground," according to a release from the People's Dispensary for Sick Animals, a veterinary charity based in London.


Wounded, Kuno stayed on top of the insurgent, ensuring that he was incapable of harming others.


Kuno's actions "altered the course of the battle," according to the release.


"The assault force swiftly entered the courtyard, neutralised the insurgent and cleared the remainder of the building," it stated.

Anonymous ID: 7a1ad0 Nov. 26, 2020, 10:34 a.m. No.11797124   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7299 >>7483 >>7624

How the Western Press Lied About the 2014 Coup in Ukraine


Pretending that It Was Instead a Real Democratic Revolution


U.S.-and-allied governments, and their billionaires’-controlled press, are unrelenting in their fraudulent portrayal of what was actually the U.S. regime’s conquest and destruction of Ukraine in 2014, by means of a brutal coup, which caused a civil war and the break-up of that country.


The hidden truths about Ukraine, after 2009, will be documented and proven here. These facts have been kept secret from Western publics. (Articles like this are censored-out by the regime’s operatives.)


The first documentation concerns the coup itself, which occurred in February 2014, though the narrator in that video mistakenly says (at 0:27) that the coup started “on February 20th of 2013,” instead of on February 20th of 2014, which is the only slip-up in this entire otherwise-superb presentation. The video is here, and it demonstrates — it even displays — that the U.S. Government, under President Barack Obama, lied through their teeth about that coup, as having been instead a “revolution,” instead of a coup. The key “leaked [phone] call” that’s excerpted in this video can be heard in full here; and its full transcript, including explanations of the persons who are being referred-to in it, is available here. The broader historical significance of that phone-call is reported and explained here. To sum it all up: There is no way that this phone-conversation (which is between two Obama-Administration officials who are discussing whom to appoint to lead Ukraine when the coup will have been completed) can reasonably be interpreted in any other way than that the Obama Administration had carefully planned and executed this coup d’etat, which replaced Ukraine’s democratically elected Government by one that would be controlled by the U.S. regime. This truth is the exact opposite of the U.S.-and-allied ‘news’-reporting about that coup, as its having been, instead, ‘the Maidan revolution’. This is how America (and each of its ‘allies’ or vassal nations) deceives its people, just as much (and just as viciously) as any other dictatorship does.


So: how did that ‘revolution’ come about? Here is how it happened — and also the Western lies hiding this reality:


On November 30th of 2013, UK’s Economist magazine bannered “Stealing their dream: Viktor Yanukovych is hijacking Ukrainians’ European future”, and wrote that:


Unwilling to launch economic reforms, cut spending or tame the appetites of his cronies, Mr Yanukovych [Ukraine’s democratically elected and — for the Ukrainian people — remarkably successful, President, as will subsequently be documented here] proceeded to trade the country’s most valuable asset: Ukraine’s geopolitical position. “The talks with the EU were an auction. It was a position of a pimp who is offering Ukraine up for sale,” says Mr Poroshenko [a political enemy of Yanukovych, who became Ukraine’s President after the coup]. Mr Yanukovych let it be known that, if Europe wanted a modern, democratic Ukraine, it needed to pay. His price was $160 billion by 2017.



Anonymous ID: 7a1ad0 Nov. 26, 2020, 10:36 a.m. No.11797143   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7299 >>7483 >>7624

Blue and White minister: ‘Good chance’ we’ll vote to dissolve Knesset next week


Second minister in Gantz’s party also confirms they’re weighing voting in favor of opposition’s no-confidence motion on Wednesday, which would topple coalition and trigger election


A minister from the Blue and White party said on Thursday that there was a “good chance” his party would vote in favor of a motion of no confidence in the government, toppling the coalition and setting the country formally on the path to new elections.


“There is a good chance that we will vote in favor of dissolving the Knesset on Wednesday,” Science Minister Izhar Shay told Army Radio.


Shay was the second minister from Blue and White to comment on the matter after Culture and Sports Minister Chili Tropper told Channel 12 news that the party was mulling voting in favor of disbanding the parliament.


“We are considering whether to support a proposal to dissolve the Knesset as early as next week,” Tropper said.

Izhar Shay poses at the Knesset, on April 29, 2019 (Noam Revkin Fenton/Flash90)


In a move aimed at pressuring the centrist Blue and White to break ranks with the coalition amid an ongoing deterioration of relations within the government, Opposition Leader Yair Lapid said on Monday that he would again present a proposal next week to disperse the Knesset and call new elections.


Blue and White’s leader, Defense Minister Benny Gantz, has refused to say if his party will support the bill. The party has been reportedly weighing putting forward its own bill to disperse the Knesset to avoid handing Yesh Atid credit for the move. Lapid’s bill would likely fail without Blue and White’s support.


Yamina MK Ayelet Shaked said Wednesday that her right-wing religious party would support Lapid’s bill to disband the Knesset, with the government appearing to teeter on the brink of collapse anyway.


Shaked asserted to the Ynet news site that her party was now “a leadership alternative” to Likud, and said people were tired of “the failing parties currently running the country.” Yamina leader Naftali Bennett “is able, worthy and needs to be the next prime minister,” she said.

Anonymous ID: 7a1ad0 Nov. 26, 2020, 10:41 a.m. No.11797174   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7299 >>7483 >>7624

Biden Labor Candidate Oversaw Fraudulent Payments to California Prison Inmates


A frontrunner to be president-elect Joe Biden's labor secretary oversaw the payment of nearly $1 billion in fraudulent benefits to California prison inmates.


Julie Su is the secretary of California's Labor and Workforce Development Agency, which operates the state's pandemic unemployment system. The system paid out hundreds of millions of dollars in fraudulent unemployment payments to prison inmates and convicts, prosecutors announced on Tuesday.


The fraud involved over 35,000 unemployment claims filed between March and August under the names of California state prison inmates. The inmates included two serial killers responsible for the deaths of at least eight people, as well as the well-known murderer Scott Peterson, who was convicted in 2004 for killing his pregnant wife. The Sacramento County district attorney called the scandal "one of the biggest fraud of taxpayer dollars in California history."


A spokeswoman for the agency's Employment Development Department told the Washington Free Beacon the department has been working with the U.S. Labor Department to identify fraudulent claims from inmates and is "pursuing how to integrate such cross-matches moving forward as part of enhanced prevention efforts during this unprecedented time of pandemic-related unemployment fraud across the country."


The agency's logistical problems also resulted in the delay of unemployment payments for as many as 1.8 million Californians during the initial stages of the state's shutdown over the coronavirus pandemic.


Su took responsibility for the agency's logistical delays in April. She said she needed to "own the things that we are not doing right" and fix the agency's problems. The Employment Development Department still experienced delays and fraud throughout the year, however, and faced demands from lawmakers for an audit in September.


President-elect Biden's transition team did not respond to a request for comment on Su's candidacy for labor secretary.


One of the district attorneys leading the task force investigating the fraud said the "vast majority" of the money will never be repaid.


California is not the only state to be plagued by unemployment fraud amid the coronavirus pandemic. The Labor Department's inspector general said a total of $26 billion in federal aid programs could be lost to fraud by the end of the crisis.

Anonymous ID: 7a1ad0 Nov. 26, 2020, 10:42 a.m. No.11797186   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Kissinger’s Influence Over the U.S.-Backed Military Coup to Overthrow Socialism in Chile


New details are emerging of the Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA) involvement in Chile against Salvador Allende. “We have to do everything we can to hurt [Allende] and bring him down,” U.S. Secretary of Defence Melvin Laird stated in a meeting for a select group of officials after the socialist win in Chile.


From the day of Allende’s inauguration as president, U.S. President Richard Nixon and his National Security Adviser, Henry Kissinger, schemed with the CIA to overthrown Allende, who was perceived as a democratically-elected threat and a possible influence in the region and in Europe.


Two main scenarios were drawn up by Kissinger – establishing a “modus vivendi” with Allende’s government, while backing the opposition parties until the next election to influence voter change, or a military coup, which was the CIA’s preferred tactic. For the U.S., which used democracy propaganda to justify its intervention in Latin America and across the world, there was nothing amiss with destroying Chile’s long democratic tradition by backing a military-coup, ostensibly in the name of democracy.


A declassified document detailing a memorandum of conversation, dated November 6, 1970, illustrates Kissinger’s insistence on using overt hostility against Allende’s government. His least favourite tactic is the modus vivendi, for fear that Allende “will consolidate hi position and then move against us.”


The Under-Secretary of State John Irwin supports Kissinger’s argument by insisting that the U.S. should play to the Chilean opposition in order to bring about Allende’s downfall. “We should be hostile only if we can be sure it will have a significant effect on the internal forces there in a way that will hurt Allende and prevent his consolidation. This means we may have to do things we would not want to do.”


Of particular note is U.S. President Richard Nixon’s mention of the military, in contrast to “the others”, meaning the intellectuals of Chilean society, who he says “are not subject to our influence.” The plan to boost the military complex in Latin America while destabilising Allende’s government economically. Brazil and Argentina are mentioned as potential U.S. allies in the region – two countries which would be part of Operation Condor – the U.S.-backed regional collaboration in Latin America which sought to eliminate “Marxist subversion” and which adopted Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet’s tactics of kidnappings, torture, murder and disappearance.


This emphasis on the military also ties into the briefing by the CIA Director Richard Helms, who notes opposition to Allende’s socialism among military officers. “There were some important elements in both the military and political establishments which perceived that Allende should not be allowed to bring a Marxist regime into office,” the declassified document states.

Anonymous ID: 7a1ad0 Nov. 26, 2020, 10:48 a.m. No.11797219   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7299 >>7483 >>7624

IBM Layoffs: 10,000 Job Cuts Expected In Europe; UK, Germany Most Affected


The job cut will affect 20% of the company's staff members

IBM would sell off most of its IT services

The company fired thousands of employees in May


International Business Machines Corp. plans to cut nearly 10,000 jobs in Europe ahead of a broad shift to a hybrid cloud approach.


The job cuts at IBM will significantly affect the United Kingdom and Germany. Cuts are also planned in Poland, Slovakia, Italy and Belgium. IBM’s wide-ranging losses will affect 20% of staff members managing the daily support function for client data centers and IT support, sources told Bloomberg.


IBM announced the decision in November during a meeting with European labor representatives, according to a union officer with knowledge of the conversations.


“Our staffing decisions are made to provide the best support to our customers in adopting an open hybrid cloud platform and AI capabilities,” an IBM spokesman said. “We also continue to make significant investments in training and skills development for IBMers to best meet the needs of our customers.”


The plan came after the technology company revealed it would sell off most of its IT services division to fuel its hybrid cloud computing and artificial intelligence unit.


“We’re taking structural actions to simplify and streamline our business. We expect the fourth-quarter charge to our operating results of about $2.3 billion,” IBM Chief Financial Officer James Kavanaugh said.


IBM began firing thousands of its staff members worldwide in May. On Tuesday, the company laid off several dozen employees in Israel, where it suffered a significant blow due to the increasing popularity of cloud services, CalCalist Tech reported.

Anonymous ID: 7a1ad0 Nov. 26, 2020, 10:49 a.m. No.11797229   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7299 >>7483 >>7624

US Grants China’s ByteDance New 7-Day Extension to Sell Tiktok


China-based ByteDance Technology Co.—which owns video-sharing app TikTok—has been granted a new seven-day extension to sell their popular app, according to a court filing.


The extension, granted by the Trump administration on Nov. 25, comes after President Donald Trump first ordered Bytedance to divest the app back in August within a 90-day timeframe. According to the filing, the new deadline will now be Dec. 4.


TikTok, wildly popular among American teens, has come under bipartisan scrutiny over national security and privacy concerns in relation to its Chinese ownership. The crux of the concern is that under a 2017 national intelligence law, Chinese companies are required to provide their data to the ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP).


Under pressure from the U.S. government, ByteDance has been in talks for months to finalize a deal with Walmart Inc. and Oracle Corp. to shift TikTok’s U.S. assets into a new entity.


A TikTok spokesperson did not immediately respond to an emailed request for comment from The Epoch Times.

Anonymous ID: 7a1ad0 Nov. 26, 2020, 10:53 a.m. No.11797266   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7299 >>7321 >>7483 >>7624

The Left Approved of Obama Granting Clemency to Terrorists and Traitors, But Is Triggered by Flynn's Pardon


The political left went into a collective hissy fit at the news that President Trump granted a full pardon to former National Security Advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn. If there was ever a case where there was a miscarriage of justice, it was this one, and the pardon was a long time coming. Flynn was set up by the Obama administration and railroaded by the FBI. Simply put, they went after him for something that was not a crime, then set up a perjury trap for him in order to get him fired as Trump’s national security advisor. Obama officials also withheld exculpatory evidence, launched and carried out a bogus investigation over claims of Russian collusion where there was no empirical evidence.


The efforts to target Flynn went all the way to the top. In fact, evidence shows that former Vice President Joe Biden suggested using the Logan Act to go after Flynn.


As George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley noted, however, the pardon shouldn’t have even been necessary. The case should have been dropped months ago after evidence presented by Flynn’s lawyer, Sidney Powell, showed that “corrupt agents” threatened Flynn’s son to pressure him into pleading guilty.


Nevertheless, the usual suspects on the left fell over each other to condemn the pardon.


But when Barack Obama pardoned retired Marine Corps general James E. Cartwright, who pleaded guilty to charges of lying to the FBI, just days before leaving office in 2017, they weren’t triggered at all.


Cartwright served as vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Obama, and was “a key member of Mr. Obama’s national security team in his first term and earned a reputation as the president’s favorite general,” according to the New York Times. Cartwright had leaked classified information regarding Iran’s nuclear program to the media and lied to FBI officials investigating those leaks. He faced up to two years in prison before Obama pardoned him.


Obama reportedly based his decision to pardon the former general on Cartwright’s “description of his motive, as well as because of a letter by Mr. Sanger saying that he had already learned about the program before speaking to the general and that the conversation with the general informed his thinking about which information to withhold.”


Cartwright had only pleaded guilty to misleading the FBI, not to disclosing classified information.


But the pardon of Michael Flynn was “undeserved, unprincipled, and one more stain on President Trump’s rapidly diminishing legacy,” according to Jerry Nadler. Yeah, okay. Whatever.


There are far worse acts of clemency by Obama that the political left condoned, including those for terrorists and traitors.


Remember when Barack Obama commuted the sentence of Bradley Manning (you may also know him as Chelsea), who leaked hundreds of thousands of sensitive government documents to WikiLeaks? He was convicted in 2013 and sentenced to 35 years in prison. Manning was a traitor in every sense, but became a hero of the political left for declaring himself to be transgender, and Obama made his controversial commutation just days before leaving office. Manning maintains hero status amongst the left today.

Anonymous ID: 7a1ad0 Nov. 26, 2020, 10:56 a.m. No.11797301   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7483 >>7624

Prince Andrew Seen at Windsor After Being Slammed For Lack of Cooperation With FBI’s Epstein Probe


The Duke of York was earlier accused by US federal prosecutors of failing to cooperate with an investigation into the alleged sex crimes of late financier Jeffrey Epstein. The British Queen’s son, however, maintained through his lawyers that he had reached out to FBI agents on several occasions to shed light on his former friend’s activities.


Photographs of Prince Andrew casually horse riding at Windsor Castle, where his mother the Queen and his dad Prince Philip are currently staying, came under a close scrutiny of British tabloids just a few days after the lawyer for Epstein's accusers slammed the royal for insufficient cooperation with an FBI probe.


The Duke of York has not been a common figure in public since departing from his royal duties last November following the backlash he faced after trying to justify his friendship with convicted sex offender Epstein during a bombshell BBC interview. During the aired talk with Newsnight’s Emily Maitlis, the prince strongly rejected accusations made by Virginia Roberts Giuffre that she had been forced to have sex with the royal on at least three occasions while she was still underage. However, some of the arguments the Queen’s son used to dismiss Giuffre’s claims failed to convince the public.


One royal source has recently suggested that Prince Andrew was “unlikely” to ever return to his official duties, as he had also missed the Remembrance Sunday service at the Cenotaph this year. The royal’s horse rides have thus become one of the few rare occasions he can be spotted in public by curious minds while the probe into Epstein’s associates continues.

‘Outrageous’ Lack of Cooperation


According to reports citing the FBI investigation, Prince Andrew has either met or had contact with “at least six” of the financier’s “friends” who had enabled his purported abuse of minors. The duke’s lawyers maintain that the royal had previously contacted the agents on three occasions to help with the probe, something the authorities could not confirm.


US Attorney for the Southern District of New York Geoffrey Berman even accused the duke of seeking “to falsely portray himself to the public as eager and willing to cooperate with an ongoing federal investigation into sex trafficking” of Epstein.


Last week, Lisa Bloom, who represents several of the financier’s alleged victims, said that it was “outrageous” that “it's been a year since Prince Andrew publicly promised to co-operate with law enforcement investigating all those who enabled Jeffrey Epstein's sexual assaults on hundreds of women and girls”.


“He simply has not kept that promise. Meanwhile, the six victims I represent struggle to repair their lives”, the attorney claimed.


Bloom called on Prince Andrew to “tell what he knows” and submit to an interview with the FBI, who are currently probing Epstein’s close circle of friends, including his ex-girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell, who is accused of helping her former beaux with grooming young girls for further abuse by the billionaire. She is currently awaiting trial in a Brooklyn federal jail.


Jeffrey Epstein died in his prison cell in August 2019 while awaiting trial amid sex trafficking accusations. Medical experts ruled his death a suicide.

Anonymous ID: 7a1ad0 Nov. 26, 2020, 10:58 a.m. No.11797323   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7341 >>7483 >>7624

Trump encourages Americans to ‘gather, in homes and places of worship’ in Thanksgiving proclamation


'As we gather with our loved ones, we resolve with abiding faith and patriotism to celebrate the joys of freedom and cherish the hope and peace of a brighter future ahead'


Below is President Donald Trump’s Proclamation on Thanksgiving Day, 2020.




On Thanksgiving Day, we thank God for the abundant blessings in our lives. As we gather with family and friends to celebrate this season of generosity, hope, and gratitude, we commemorate America’s founding traditions of faith, family, and friendship, and give thanks for the principles of freedom, liberty, and democracy that make our country exceptional in the history of the world.


This November marks 400 years since the Mayflower and its passengers faced the unknown and set sail across the Atlantic Ocean. Propelled by hope for a brighter future, these intrepid men and women endured two long months at sea, tired and hungry, to arrive in a new world full of potential. In the winter weather that greeted their arrival, they lost nearly half of their fellow travelers to exposure, disease, and starvation. Despite unimaginable hardships, these first Americans nevertheless remained firm in their faith and unwavering in their commitment to their dreams. They forged friendships with the Wampanoag Tribe, fostered a spirit of common purpose among themselves, and trusted in God to provide for them. The following year, they celebrated a successful harvest alongside their Native American neighbors — the first Thanksgiving. This seminal event in the history of our Nation is a continual reminder of the power of faith, love, perseverance, prayer, and fellowship.


The Mayflower’s arrival to the New World in 1620 also marks the arrival of the first seeds of democracy to our land. Absent the rule of a monarch in an uncharted wilderness, these early settlers resolved to create their own government through what is known as the Mayflower Compact. Defined by majority rule through elected leaders responsible for creating “just and equal laws,” the Mayflower Compact represents the first chapter in the long tradition of self-determination and rule of law in America. One hundred and fifty-six years later, our Nation’s Founding Fathers resolved to break free from England, building upon the Mayflower Compact to establish an enduring government whose authority came solely “from the consent of the governed.”


This year, as our Nation continues to combat the coronavirus pandemic, we have once again joined together to overcome the challenges facing us. In the midst of suffering and loss, we are witnessing the remarkable courage and boundless generosity of the American people as they come to the aid of those in need, reflecting the spirit of those first settlers who worked together to meet the needs of their community. First responders, medical professionals, essential workers, neighbors, and countless other patriots have served and sacrificed for their fellow Americans, and the prayers of our people have once again lifted up our Nation, providing comfort, healing, and strength during times of uncertainty. Despite unprecedented challenges, we have not faltered in the face of adversity. To the contrary, we have leveraged our strengths to make significant breakthroughs that will end this crisis, rebuilding our stockpiles, revamping our manufacturing capabilities, and developing groundbreaking therapeutics and life-saving vaccines on record-shattering timeframes.

Anonymous ID: 7a1ad0 Nov. 26, 2020, 11 a.m. No.11797335   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7359 >>7499 >>7611

Oregon Democrat Governor Posts Propaganda Video Telling People To Uninvite Their Families For Thanksgiving


After channeling her inner Brezhnev last week and urging people to call police on their neighbors who host Thanksgiving gatherings, Oregon Governor Kate Brown is channeling her inner Joseph Goebbels this week, and is in an all-out propaganda push to strike fear into the people about the Covid hysteria. She’s now posting creepy happy videos calling on people to “uninvite” their friends and relatives to Thanksgiving dinner.


The ad campaign is part of series put on by the Oregon Public Health Division, which shared another, similarly themed video on their YouTube channel:

Anonymous ID: 7a1ad0 Nov. 26, 2020, 11:02 a.m. No.11797352   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7377 >>7483 >>7624

Elections Court Filing: Foreign Agents of Agressor Nations Had Access to US Voter Lists and Had Done So Recently


On Thanksgiving Day Sidney Powell retweeted two tweets by Liberty Times and Politics.


The tweets included a court filing that includes information on the Dominion patents linked to China.

page 13


The document notes that the Dominion’s Trump-hater Eric Coomer is the inventor of the application.


This is shocking news.

Were any Americans aware that our election systems were so prone to attack and that foreign actors China and Iran had attempted to manipulate the results of our election?

Anonymous ID: 7a1ad0 Nov. 26, 2020, 11:07 a.m. No.11797394   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7483 >>7624

Manitoba Gives Health Commissars Draconian Powers


(left, globalist traitor, Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister took licence plates of anti-mask demonstrators and sent them fines. )


SPH, a Winnipegger, analyzes changes in legislation which

give health officials Gestapo-like powers.

Provincial fines for individuals breaking COVID-19 health orders

are set at $1,296, while fines for businesses are up to $5,000.

Time to fight the fines!


New law allows them to order you to relinquish your home or business for the purposes of a quarantine facility, order you to be immunized/vaccinated, or vaccinate your children without your consent.


On April 15th, 2020, the Manitoba provincial government put extraordinary powers into the hands of Brent Rousin, the chief public health officer.


It repealed a law 67(3) that required the health officer to get approval from the provincial health minister before he could employ special emergency measures.


Since we now know that there is very little threat from this virus, (less than 1% mortality) and it's really only killing people who are either very old or very sick, the reasonable next step would be to go back to the way things were before these unnecessary precautions were implemented, which have ultimately done far more harm than good.


But since protecting our health is not what our elected officials have in mind, as they have sold themselves and us out to the satanic elite, instead they have made visiting your neighbors illegal.


Other surprising emergency powers include clause 67(2): authority to order you to relinquish your home or business for the purposes of a quarantine facility, or if you are deemed to be "not protected against a communicable disease," order you to be immunized/vaccinated, or to refrain from working until "the risk of infection no longer exists."


If a person is merely suspected of being exposed to a communicable disease, available measures include medical exam/testing, treatment, immunization, isolation, and quarantine. 43(2).


If a person refuses any of the recommended measures of the health officer, article 47(1) allows for the application to justice for the apprehension of the person. So you can say no to the vaccine, (the health act allows for that; article 97) but doing so can result in your incarceration.

Anonymous ID: 7a1ad0 Nov. 26, 2020, 11:15 a.m. No.11797459   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7483 >>7624

ICE lodges detainer on man accused of child sex assault


SALT LAKE CITY — U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) filed a detainer with the Washington County Jail Nov. 20 for a man accused of sexually assaulting minor children.


Juan Ubaldo Guerra, 56, is a citizen of Guatemala living in the United States illegally. He was charged by the St. George Police Department with four counts of sexual assault on a child, a second-degree felony.


Guerra illegally entered the U.S. without being inspected, admitted or paroled by an immigration official in 2000. ICE filed the detainer after Guerra was arrested Nov. 19 to obtain custody should Guerra bond out of jail.

“Every day our officers investigate and target aliens like Guerra so we can remove them from the U.S.,” said Jason Knight, acting field office director for ERO Salt Lake City. “The partnerships we have with local law enforcement agencies ensure the public safety by preventing both criminal aliens and potentially dangerous defendants, like Guerra, from being released back into the community where they could possibly reoffend or cause further harm.”


In most cases, once aliens pending criminal prosecution are transferred to ICE or otherwise enter ICE custody, ICE works with the prosecutor and law enforcement authorities, such as the district attorney’s office and relevant sheriff’s office, to ensure these aliens attend any and all criminal court proceedings. This ICE-DA cooperation involves transferring custody of aliens as necessary via writs of habeas corpus to further a criminal prosecution and ensure the alien is returned to ICE custody once the proceedings are finished. Such writs may also be used to ensure that aliens in ICE custody appear in court as witnesses.


Targets are often those who were arrested on local criminal charges or have blatant disregard for U.S. immigration laws. The agency’s arrest statistics clearly reflect this. Nationally, approximately 86% of ERO’s administrative arrests during fiscal year 2019 either had criminal convictions or were pending criminal charges.

Anonymous ID: 7a1ad0 Nov. 26, 2020, 11:17 a.m. No.11797485   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7615 >>7624 >>7626

Live spectators at Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade wish they’d just stayed home


The determined Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade fans who thought they could avoid the throngs of spectators this year were left bitterly disappointed — and wish they just stayed at home.


A small crowd of revelers braved the drizzle and an air-tight ring of NYPD barricades to try to watch the 94th annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in person Thursday — but say they made a huge mistake.


“It would have been better off watching this on TV,” complained one of the few live spectators, Julia Korzah, 34, who lives in the Herald Square area.


“All I can see is the top of the Empire State building,” she griped as she stood behind a metal barricade with her boyfriend at the corner of 34th Street and Eighth Avenue.


Last year, more than 3.5 million eager parade-watchers lined the 2.5-mile route from the Upper West Side to Herald Square.


But to keep people safe amid the coronavirus pandemic, this year’s parade was a deeply compressed made-for-TV live event — stretching just one block, in front of the iconic department store’s Herald Square headquarters.


“We left the apartment so my four-year-old son could see the floats,” said Ben Messina, 42.


“Last year my family went to the parade, so at least we have one happy memory,” he said at 36th Street and Eighth Avenue.

Anonymous ID: 7a1ad0 Nov. 26, 2020, 11:20 a.m. No.11797508   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7533 >>7550 >>7576 >>7578

CIA Officer Killed In Combat In Somalia


An officer of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, CIA, was killed in combat in Somalia, the New York Times reported on November 25, citing former and current U.S. officials.


According to the newspaper, the officials didn’t say if the officer was killed during a counter-terrorism raid or as a result of an enemy attack.


The officer, whose identity was not unveiled, was a member of the Special Activities Center, the paramilitary division of the CIA, and a former member of the U.S. Navy’s elite SEAL Team 6.


U.S. forces have been supporting the Somali National Army in stand-off with al-Shabaab, an affiliate of al-Qaeda, for years now. The forces are carrying out airstrikes, ground assaults and training Somali forces.


Al-Shabaab, which is mainly active in the southern part of Somalia, has between 5,000 and 10,000 fighters, according to estimates from the U.S. Africa Command.


In September, al-Shabaab attacked U.S. and Somali forces in Jana Cabdalle with a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device and mortars. A U.S. service member was injured in the attack.


Washington is reportedly making plans to withdraw more than 600 troops from Somalia in the near future. President Donald Trump may make a decision on this before leaving office on the 20th of January.

Anonymous ID: 7a1ad0 Nov. 26, 2020, 11:21 a.m. No.11797523   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7624

The Price Of Victory: Thousands Flee Ethiopia’s Tigray, As Government Forces Prepare For “Final Assault”


On November 26th, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed ordered the Armed Forces to launch a “final offensive” on Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), and the Tigray capital of Mekelle.


In a statement posted on social media, Abiy Ahmed said great care would be taken to protect innocent civilians from harm and said efforts would be made by government troops to ensure the city of Mekelle, which has a population of 500,000, was not “severely damaged”.


“We call on the people of Mekelle and its environs to disarm, stay at home and stay away from military targets [and] to do their part in reducing damages to be sustained because of a handful of criminal elements,” Ahmed said.


Earlier, military officials under the Nobel Prize-winning Prime Minister warned that “no mercy” would be shown if residents of Mekelle did not distance themselves from the TPLF.


Debretsion Gebremichael, the leader of the TPLF, said on Tuesday his people were “ready to die” defending their homeland.


Officials in Addis Ababa, the Ethiopian capital, describe the offensive in Tigray as a “law enforcement operation” aiming to remove “traitorous” rebel leaders and restore central authority.


The TPLF says it is defending its legitimate rights under Ethiopia’s devolved constitutional system.


Last-minute efforts by the African Union and the United Nations to defuse the crisis have failed. Abiy on November 25th rejected international “interference”.


The UN says shortages have become “very critical” in the Tigray region, with fuel and cash running out. Food for nearly 100,000 refugees from Eritrea will be gone in a week, according to a report released overnight. More than 600,000 people who rely on monthly food rations have not received them this month.


Prior to the fight, refugees are pouring into neighboring Sudan, where the old camp of Um Raquba near the border with Ethiopia, closed 20 years ago, was hastily reopened by the United Nations.


“We have over 9,000 people in this settlement,” Mohammed Rafiq Nasry, head of office of the United Nations refugee agency UNHCR in Um Raquba said.


UNHCR’s Nasry said that expectations were that more than a thousand people would be arriving daily at the camp.


”People here need everything. We now cater one hot meal a day for 9,000 people, that’s not enough. Shelter is much needed. We have a new shelter project at the moment. We are preparing the land for tents,” he said, calling on the international community to help.

Anonymous ID: 7a1ad0 Nov. 26, 2020, 11:24 a.m. No.11797546   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7624

America’s Biggest Teachers Union Shakedowns


Teachers unions have been instrumental in keeping American schools online during the pandemic. But some have escalated their positions on reopening to include an array of social justice demands.


A set of demands from teachers unions in July, which addressed how to safely reopen schools amid a pandemic, was criticized by The Wall Street Journal editorial board as “political extortion.” The board argued that unions were taking advantage of a health crisis to advance their own ideological agendas and to eliminate competition from charter schools.


“For most Americans the coronavirus is a scourge. But teachers unions seem to think it’s also an opportunity—to squeeze more money from taxpayers and put their private and public charter school competition out of business,” the board wrote. “Rather than work to open schools safely, the unions are issuing ultimatums and threatening strikes until they are granted their ideological wish list.”


“If there’s a silver lining here, it’s that Americans are getting a closer look at the true, self-interested character of today’s teachers unions,” The Wall Street Journal editorial board added.


Prior to school openings, Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, said that no action was “off the table” when it came to the safety of students and teachers. The head of the National Educators Association Lily Eskelsen García reinforced Weingarten’s approach.


“Nobody wants to see students back in the classroom more than educators, but when it comes to their safety, we’re not ready to take any options off the table,” Garcia said.


Studies suggest that schools are not the once-feared super spreaders and the positive COVID-19 tests there typically reflect outbreaks in the surrounding community. A survey conducted by Brown University economist Emily Oster in September analyzed data from schools across 47 states. Out of more than 200,000 students and 63,000 staff tested, the study found an infection rate among staff at 0.24% and 0.13% among students.