Anonymous ID: f5ceb2 Nov. 26, 2020, 10:39 a.m. No.11797166   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7216



Wait till the truth comes out, not just about this, but about a LOT of things. I always wondered how the world will react to that? But i also wondered if Potus has what it takes to do the right thing or will he play the mother hen and try to protect the sleeping minds?


Everything you've been told and taught about us was heavily manipulated.


Think mirror.


when i watch and see what [they] are now doing to the US, including the election theft and all that dirty system [they] built up, i can only see a repeat to what [they] did to us for many years. it's like we were the sample or the draft of what is going on to the US right now. [they] tried it on us first, then [they] started applying it to you and others.

Anonymous ID: f5ceb2 Nov. 26, 2020, 10:55 a.m. No.11797290   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Thank you. Same to you, and Happy Thanksgivings.


Anons, keep your Leb friends close and stay in touch with them because of what [they] did to us for decades we became resilient and we developed survivor's instinct. We know in advance when the shi8t is coming our way (sorry for the word, but i hope you understand me). Like what we are living right now, my fam has prepared supplies a year before the events started because we know, we can see the writings on the wall before it's here.


Let me give you a piece of advice: It doesn't matter where you live on this planet, just prepare at least 2 months of supplies for yourself. I know what I'm talking about. And the amount of supplies you need will depend on the area you live in, as in if it's R or D controlled. keep warm, if you have sick, put medics aside, and prepare for electricity and water to be cut. This is preparing for the extreme worst. Just like what my dad says: prepare for the out most worst and hope for the out most best.


Potus has this, the good guys are doing well so far, but this doesn't mean you should sit like a hen and do nothing and hope for Mary Poppins to drop and help. You should keep yourself afloat until helps gets here, it may take a few weeks or a few months, but Potus will clean the States from these rats. So prepare yourself accordingly and don't sleep on your laurels.