….."to be continued" ….. ?
You seem to be at a bad point. I hope a brighter prospect arrives soon. Even those with too much are fucked up and not happy, so cling to the little things, moments that keep us all going when searing sadness or anger hit us.
Ain't no better life than life…even when it's bullshit ;)
Something Is Rotten in the State of FiveEyes.
Truly, a rotten to the core bunch of bastards. Spying on friends and allies alike, backstabbing, friendly fire attacks that aren't mistakes, trying to take downmarket an allied President.
They're another group that should be obliterated.
This deep fermenting, traditional and deadly secret stuff has to be ended. It's a medieval kingdom where no prince is safe from the knife of friendship and cordial hate.
We all know where those funds will go. To the 'Vote for me Again" Projects which might include, as an example, The Green Haired Micro Sexual Diversification Attitudinal Afro Idealist Feminist Collective of Black Latino TransCultural Division Resistance Movement.
Catholic my ass.
Most Lapsed Catholics Detest Catholicism. Because most lapsed Catholics lapsed when religion confronted political ideals.
Real Catholicism is the enemy of their desired future.
This man is no Pope.
He wasn't caught. Everything planned with meticulous detail…All part of this sometimes nauseating 'movie'
The more people like you and I can't take it, the more compliant the sheep become.
It's political science hypnosis. Their eagerness to comply in their own submission is measured in their joy at seeing us suffer witnessing their stupidity.
It has to be an extension of S&M conditioning. Maybe now I realise why slush like Fifty Shades of Grey was so popular.
And there in full daylight is his real vote percentage too.
Nobody that voted for Biden want to see Trump gain an advantage in a recount.
Let them run to the tunnels then. And then…. like in all the best recipes, just add 'water' ;)
That's Douglas Fairbanks Jr
Well, it'd be poetic. Maybe Biblical too.