and keep the change
HMmmmmm , what did they see ?
What did they KNOW ?
Not buying it
Opium trade is very old, its how the crowns of europe got soooo rich
A Down Under Extortion 17 , not impossible.
whatever happened with the 2 SEALS dead on a container ship, while working security ? 1-2 yrs ago
ebbil trips , look who got 'em
slow day at agent provocature skool ?
yeah well , Cuomo and all like him are proper fucked when the enforcers say fuck you assho
The Population Bomb was another policy inducing science tome.
the air is fine
@JudicialWatch has helped make a movie
Just Now Tom Fitton calling out Republicans for not doing shit about corruption
" A Republic Under Assault "
MSM blackout on Pa. judge ordering a halt to vote certification , stops the entire electoral college process
population control , always
monolith coms
Dr. Who gets around
all C.F.R. , all the time
" Indiana, the Quest for the Grail is not about archeologyโฆ. it is a race against evil.
If they find it first, the armies of darkness will march across the face of the earth "
notable gun grabbing Chi-Com shitbag steps down
Dats Muddy Waters
Huxley called it 'strobonic injection' , it creates a hypnotic effect on the viewer