Hmm, Kemo-Sabe, Tonto no think this one know how to meme!
Hmm, Kemo-Sabe, Tonto no think this one know how to meme!
Hmm, Kemo-Sabe, Tonto no think this one know how to meme!
Hmm, Kemo-Sabe, Tonto no think this one know how to meme!
Hmm, Kemo-Sabe, Tonto no think this one know how to meme!
Hmm, Kemo-Sabe, Tonto no think this one know how to meme!
Hmm, Kemo-Sabe, Tonto no think this one know how to meme!
Hmm, Kemo-Sabe, Tonto no think this one know how to meme!
No, Tonto, I don't know why they didn't choose
instead a horse's ass, instead of a whore's ass.
It would have been closer to the truth.
Mmm, Kemo-Sabe! They offer blue-pill, not red!
That's right, Tonto. Shills from the word go.
Not a bit of it, anon. I believe these people (well,
probably not Biden, too far gone,) knew exactly
what they were doing and who they were profiting
to begin with, and it wasn't going to be the world.
It was their own blood-lined pockets.
BIG Trouble with Trump winning too much, shill?
LR: Tonto, do they really think they're meming?
T: Me no know, Kemo-sabe, but me think they
think they do!
It depends on your point of view, Barry
Yes, You definitely have a fire going, Barry.
Oh, thank you for this, dear anon!
She what, what, what?