Ref >>11800097 (lb)
Ron Watkins - Easily copy manipulated data set, to the flash memory card
After the tabulation process, the ImageCast Central software saves a copy of the tabulation results locally to the "Windows 10 Pro" machine's internal storage. The results data is located in an easy-to-find path which is designed to easily facilitate the uploading of tabulation results to flash memory cards. The upload process is just a simple copying of a "Results" folder containing vote tallies to a flash memory card connected to the "Windows 10 Pro" machine. The copy process uses the standard drag-n-drop or copy/paste mechanisms within the ubiquitous "Windows File Explorer" [20]. While a simple procedure, the report results process may be error prone and is very vulnerable to malicious administrators. Before delivering final tabulation results to the county, it is within the realm of possibility to mistakenly copy the wrong "Results" folder or evenmaliciously copya false "Results" folder, which may contain a manipulated data set, to the flash memory card.